
A few tools for making debug messages to the console more usable

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A few tools for making debug messages to the console more usable


	const {D, I, E} = require( `@debonet/bugout` );

	D("Hello World!");
	D("Hello World!");
	D("Hello Mars!");
	D("Hello World!");
	D("Hello World!");
	D("Hello World!");
	for (let n=0; n<1000; n++){
		I(`I'm showing ${n}`);
	D("Hello World!");
	D("Hello World!");
	for (let n=0; n<1000; n++){

Yields output

Hello World! [ 2 times]
Hello Mars!
Hello World! [ 3 times]
Hello World! [ 2 times]
HELLO WORLD! [ 1000 times]

Running the same code above but substituting IKeep for I, e.g.:

	const {D, IKeep : I, E} = require( `@debonet/bugout` );

will yield:

Hello World! [ 2 times]
Hello Mars!
Hello World! [ 3 times]
I'm showing 999
Hello World! [ 2 times]
HELLO WORLD! [ 1000 times]


D( values* )

debug( values* )

prints values to standard out. If a line would be repeated exactly, instead of being printed again it simply gets "[ # times ]" appended to it

I( values* )

indicate( values* )

prints values to standard out, but overwrites any imediately preceeding output from an indicate() call.

IKeep( values* )

indicate_keep( values* )

the same as I() above, but ensures that the last line is kept

E( values* )

error( values* )

Currently this is exactly console.error


npm install @debonet/bugout