Bank Management


Bank Management System is based on the concept of recording customer’s account details and performing customer's utility functions. The system contains both the admin section and customers section. All the main features of the banking system are set in this project.

Talking about the features of this system, a user can log into the system either as a bank manager or as a customer. Logging in the system will require user credential for authentication.

Operations that can be performed by a manager

  • Print the list of Accounts
  • Search a perticular Account by name or by A/c number
  • Add new Accounts
  • Modify details of Accounts

Operations that can be performed by a customer

  • Check the Balance and other Deatails of the Account
  • Withdraw Money from his Account
  • Deposit Money to his Account

Tech used

This simple system is developed using C Programming Language and different Data Structures and Algorithms have been used for the development of it. This project uses file handling features of C. Here, the system creates an external file (DAT file) to store all the user’s data, so every time we get into the system we can operate with the existing accounts.


This was a really challanging project as it was our first Project with C programing language.

Things Learnt

In order to overcome the challenges we went through many articles on Geeksforgeeks, Medium, Stack Overflow, Tutorialpoint and many more. We also watched many tutorial videos on YouTube.

In this process of exploration we learnt many things related to C programing language and Data Structure and Algorithms.

Few of them are:

  • Function
  • Arrays and Pointers
  • Structure in C
  • File Handling
  • Read and Write in Binary Mode

Demo Video