
Install, upgrade and manage GitLab instance

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DebOps gitlab

Travis CI test-suite Ansible Galaxy

This role installs GitLab, an Open Source GitHub clone. debops.gitlab role will also automatically update installed GitLab instance if new patches are pushed to the repository.

You can also use this role to upgrade an already installed GitLab instance to new version when support for it becomes available (new GitLab version is released on 22nd of each month, usually debops.gitlab role is updated to support new version shortly after that).


This role requires at least Ansible v2.1.0. To install it, run:

ansible-galaxy install debops.gitlab


More information about debops.gitlab can be found in the official debops.gitlab documentation.

Role dependencies

  • debops.secret

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Authors and license

License: GPL-3.0

This role is part of DebOps. README generated by ansigenome.