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🤔 About me

Hi ! 👋 My name is Débora and I am a NLP student at Sorbonne Nouvelle University. I am passionate about languages and technology, and I am constantly learning new things to improve my skills.

I am currently learning

  • Python
  • HTML / CSS / JavaScript
  • XML / Xpat / XSLT / XQuery
  • SQL
  • Bash / Perl / PowerShell

And I wish I could learn R and C++ !

Languages I Am Learning

  • Korean (B2)
  • English (B2)
  • Spanish (B1)
  • Japanese (A2)

And I also have a lot interest in Occitan (regional language in France, mostly in the south), LSF (French Sign Language), Chinese, Russian, German, Polish, and many other languages.

📈 GitHub Stats

Débora's GitHub languages Débora's GitHub page

If you have any questions, advice or anything, you can reach me in my LinkedIn : 👉 My LinkedIn