This extension allow have support for telegram bot support directly in Live Helper Chat. It support sound messages, images, files.
- Clone github repository
- Rename cloned folder of telegram to lhctelegram and put it in extension/ directory
- Activate extension in settings/settings.ini.php file
'extensions' =>
array (
- Install composer requirements with. You have to download composer or just have it installed already.
cd extension/lhctelegram && composer.phar update
- Clean cache. Just click clean cache in Live Helper Chat back office.
- Execute doc/install.sql on database manager or just run
php cron.php -s site_admin -e lhctelegram -c cron/update_structure
- Register your bot with
- Create bot in LHC back office under Modules => Telegram Settings.
- After creating bot, go back and just click. "Set webhook"
- That's it.
This allows to use bot as gateway between normal chats on your page and bot chatting with you as a operator. In other words you can use Telegram mobile and desktop clients as Live Helper Chat support clients.
- After you have completed the above steps, you have to do the following changes: In LHC back office, go back to the bot editing page and choose the departments tab. Check the departments you want to receive new chats notifications for. Don't save yet.
- In same tab, check the "This bot acts as a client" box. Now save.
- go to LHC back office main telegram page and choose "Telegram operators". Choose Operator and Bot, or create one.
- Now start a conversation in Telegram and register yourself within bot by typing /register . The should be registered operator id from the very first column in the operators list in LHC Modules => Telegram Settings => Telegram operators.
- If you get an error message saying it can't find an operator with that ID, and the operator was just created, clean the cache and start a chat as that operator using just the website (not Telegram). Then try registering the again. It should work now.
- That's all. Just type /help to see what available commands are supported.