
Collection of papers about Global Names projects

Primary LanguageTeX

Global Names papers

Collection of papers prepared to describe Global Names projects

Alias for setting windows and running auto PDF generation

alias pps="cd ~/papers && vi -c NotesLayout"

Using guard for automatic PDF compiling

  1. Install full latex package for your OS
  2. Install pandoc and its dependencies
  3. Go to papers directory (see the alias above).
  4. Run bundle command from the root to install required gems
  5. Set a script $HOME/bin/pdcit in your execution path

An example of pdcit:


path=$(dirname ${1})
file=$(basename ${1} ".md")
cd ${path}
pandoc -C -s "${file}.md" --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style \
  zenburn -o "${file}.pdf"
pandoc -C -s "${file}.md" -o "${file}.tex"
cd -


test : a playground for pandoc-based PDF/Latex generation