
This shell script provides a simple implementation of a CRUD operation on a list of student records.

Primary LanguageShell

Student DB (Shell Script)

Shell Script for CRUD Operations on Students

This shell script provides a simple implementation of a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation on a list of student records. The script uses an array to store the student records, and provides a menu-driven interface to allow the user to perform different operations on the list.


  • The script allows the user to add a new student record to the list.

  • The script allows the user to update an existing student record in the list.

  • The script allows the user to delete a student record from the list.

  • The script allows the user to print out the list of all student records.

  • The script allows the user to print out any specific student record.

  • Colorful Interface helps to navigate easily into the script.

How to Use


  1. Download & install a Bash shell emulator (Git Bash or Cygwin)
  2. Open the Bash shell emulator
  3. Navigate to project folder cd student-db-shell
  4. Run the script ./student_db.sh
  5. Enjoy!!!


  1. Open the terminal
  2. Navigate to project folder cd student-db-shell
  3. Make the script executable chmod +x student_db.sh
  4. Run the script ./student_crud.sh
  5. Enjoy!!!


This shell script provides a basic implementation of a CRUD operation on a list of student records using arrays, switch statements, and loops. It provides a simple menu-driven interface that allows the user to perform different operations on the list. However, this implementation is not suitable for managing large amounts of data, and does not provide any data validation.