Keyword scanner

This application or small program can scan or traverse through some set of directories in your machine and can find given keywords in all the files inside those directories

Getting Started

A small program that can scan your code repositories for keywords or bad-words or hard coded configs #javascript #Nodejs

Ex. You can use this program to check whether your developers have hard coded the configs or secret keys or credentials in code


You need to install following software


Clone the repo

git clone

Install node_modules

npm install or yarn

Running the tests


Running the program/application

Edit the config file as per your needs

Run in development mode

npm start

Run in production mode

npm run build
npm run start:prod

It will generate the result.log file with report under folder result


  • Vaibhav K Bachhav - Initial work - Github


This project isn't licensed


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used