
Searches YouTube for currently playing song on Spotify

Primary LanguagePython


Made for people who want to find/watch videos for currently playing songs with just a click.

Update: July 2019

I still haven't gotten around to finishing the Python version BUT the applet still works so you can just clone or download the repo and put the LazySearch.app shortcut wherever and it should work fine.

How to use LazySearch

Clone or download this repo and put the LazySearch.app shortcut wherever your heart desires it to be on your computer.

Click to run LazySearch, and if Spotify is running, LazySearch will pull up the YouTube search results for the song that is currently playing. If Spotify isn't running, it will let you know that too.

When LazySearch is done searching for a song it will quit itself. To search for another currently playing song simply click the LazySearch shortcut again.

Compatible music applications

Currently LazySearch only handles searching for songs that are currently playing on Spotify. Future plans to add in iTunes. (When I'm feeling less lazy.)