
DEC112 - Border Gateway

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deaf Emergency Call 112 (DEC112) Border Gateway

Providing emergency 112 calling functions for the deaf. This project implements the backend border gateway services. These services allows integration of DEC112 into emergency call centers (PSAP).


To install ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

  1. node.js Download and install node from https://nodejs.org/en/
  2. If you install from distribution ZIP file:
    • A zip unpacker
    • Unzip the dec112-border.zip archive somewhere on your server
  3. If you install from distribution GIT repository
    • Execute git checkout
  4. Change into dist folder
  5. Install needed node.js modules
    • Execute npm install
  6. Change configuration in config/env according to your needs
  7. Change start_server script in root directory to match your configuration


The following links provide additional information about various aspects of the DEC112 Border Gateway:


To start development ensure you have the following dependencies installed:


  1. To install (node.js) and (npm)
  2. Grunt command line utility (grunt-cli)
    • install using npm install -g grunt-cli
  3. Gulp command line utility (gulp-cli)
    • install using npm install -g gulp-cli
  4. Bower package manager (bower)
    • install using npm install -g bower
  5. typings install using npm install -g typings
  6. Visual Studio Code (vscode) Download and install from https://code.visualstudio.com/

Then clone the repository with git clone and inside the dec112-border project root folder issue the following commands:

  1. To init the submodules (if any):
    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update
  2. To fetch all dependency modules:
    • npm install
  3. To fetch all client modules:
    • bower install
  4. To install code informations:
    • typings install
  5. Open dec112-border folder with vscode and start coding
  6. CTRL+SHIFT+B in vscode builds project - or - to build project from command line enter grunt build
  7. After build, dist folder contains redistributable built project (also available in compressed dec112-border.zip archive in project root folder)


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


This prototype implementation was funded by NetIdee. See project blog and DEC112 homepage for more informations.


Developed 2018-2019


Thanks to NetIdee and all our supporters !!


This software is a prototypically implementation of a lightweight, web based, integrated solution for handling deaf emergency communications in a text based chat. There is ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTY that it works as expected! As emergency communication is critical, use this software at your own risk! The authors accept no liability for any incidents resulting from using this software!


This project is under GNU GPLv3. See file gpl-3.0.txt in this project or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html