
Most Learned application

Primary LanguageDart

Ml App

Most Learned 🎯

Utilize self-reflection and spaced-repetition to hammer into your brain anything and everything that makes you the better version of you.

  1. Enter learnings and assign them a repetition pattern.
  2. Visit the 'Today's Review' tab daily to see the curated list for the day.
  3. Get wicked smart.

Learning Goals

This app currently serves as my primary project for learning software development. Applied learnings include:


  1. VSCode, Android Studio, Xcode
    • various VSCode extensions
    • Vim bindings
  2. Git
    • using CLI
  3. Firebase
    • Authentication
    • Cloud Firestore
  4. CLI
    • Dart/Flutter CLI
    • GitHub CLI tool
    • Firebase CLI

Dart / Flutter

  1. State management
    • Bloc (current)
    • Provider (initial solution)
    • Riverpod (implemented in another repo for learning purposes)
  2. Storage
    • Client persistence (Shared Preferences)
    • Cloud Firestore
    • Utilized repository pattern to easily swap from Shared Pref to cloud (see packages/entries_packages/)
  3. Routing
    • FlowBuilder (utilizing GoRouter in another repo for learning purposes)
  4. Internal Packages
    • Created packages for auth and entries APIs (see packages/)
  5. Graphics
    • Implemented CustomPaint widget to create dynamic circular progress indicator (see Stats page)
  6. Select External Packages
    • equatable (heavily utilized in Bloc)
    • json_serializable & build_runner (creation of entries model)
    • flow_builder (currently utilizing GoRouter in another repo and plan to migrate)
    • url_launcher (opening external links)
    • very_good_analysis (a personal preference to utilize VGV's heavily opinionated lints for learning 'best' practices)