
This is a Python course I have written to quickly teach Python to my colleagues and students, made of slides and samples for hands-on exercises. It takes around four to five hours to present all the slides and to run the hands-on exercises. The original course was based on my mini Python tutorial. (http://www.decalage.info/python/tutorial)

Python Crash Course

This is a short Python 2.x course I wrote in 2009-2010 to quickly teach Python to my colleagues and students, made of slides and samples for hands-on exercises.

It takes around four to five hours to present all the slides and to run the hands-on exercises.

The original course was based on my mini Python tutorial.

This is still a work in progress, some parts have not been fully written yet. Moreover, some comments from 2010 would need to be updated, and the course should be imroved to cover Python 3.x.

If you have comments, questions, suggestions or if you want to report mistakes, please either use the issues page, or send me a message using the contact page.

If you would like to improve the content or the samples, please fork the project on bitbucket, edit the files and then send me a pull request.

Author: Philippe Lagadec - http://www.decalage.info

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Python Crash Course home page: http://www.decalage.info/python/crashcourse