
The client-side codebase for the OS Activity 3: Process Implementation. The GitHub link for the server-side codebase: https://github.com/decanTyme/os-chatbot-server

Primary LanguageJava

OS Activity 3: Process Implementation, Client-Side Codebase

Simple implementation of client-server communication for the client-side interface. When run in the command line,1 it accepts two arguments, address and port. When not specified, the user will be manually asked on runtime. the default address and port is and 6013 respectively. Runs indefinitely until the exit keyword is received back from the server.

Example console execute:

java -jar chatbot-client.jar --address -p 5500

Or subsequently without arguments:

java -jar chatbot-client.jar

Note: Needs a Java Runtime Environment installed. You may download from the Java Official Website.

Definition of Terms

address: The IP address of the server (default:

port: The open port of the server (default: 6013)


This is a simple Java 'client' that runs in the command line that can connect to Java servers. It can only send and receive messages to and from the server.

Process Rundown

When the program is first run, a handshake is made to confirm the connection to server in the form of the current date and time. If the server is not running or the address and/or port is not found, the program will refuse to run and an error message is displayed.

The displayed time and date of the handshake is from the server itself and not from the client. It will also display the address and port of the server it is currently connected to. The sent user message2 will then be echoed back to the user and will also be displayed with a timestamp (this time it is from the client). The program will refuse to send a message that is empty.

A successfully connected program output will more or less look like so:

[INFO] (Client connected to

Current time and date is Mon May 10 13:25:09 PST 2021

Hello World!

> Mon May 10 13:26:42 PST 2021 | Reply from server: Hello World!

The connection and, subsequently, the program will terminate if the user enters the word 'exit' without the quotes.


  • Semi-finalize code
  • Confirm with the instructor if the process is correct
  • Finalize JavaDocs and README
  • Finalize all


  1. You need to compile and export the code as a jar file first before you can execute it. Or you may download a release verion.
  2. Does not support multi-line messages.