This is a ruby script that prints out a command line tree representation of all tasks in an Asana workspace.
I currently use Asana to keep track of a lot of personal tasks and projects. Since I don't assign them to myself, there's no easy way to see them all in one place. Especially since the Asana UI doesn't have great support for showing tasks + subtasks together.
Copy config-sample.yml
to ~/.asana-cli-tree.yml
and customize the values appropriately.
I also set up a shell alias (in .zshrc) something like alias todo="ruby /path/to/view-tasks.rb"
TODO: Explain config values.
$ ruby view-tasks.rb --load
# first usage
$ ruby view-tasks.rb
# shows cached data
It actually comes out with helpful shell coloring, but I can't embed that.
Here's a snippet of one project (a Probate task list I'm working on):
============================== PROBATE ==============================
Physical & Digital Objects:
UK personal effects
art inventory
reimburse for shipped things
scan letters & memorabilia
scan legal docs
distribute digital files
buy flash drives
distribute files
summer 2017
Estate Admin:
distribute cash
set for house fund
2016 estate income taxes
federal taxes
state taxes
final probate doc
close estate acct