
Red-Rabbit is a ethical/unethical hacking platform to give people exactly what they need to understand the concepts of hacking and cyber security, this framework brings a whole new identity to the term `old` featuring tools to exploit older and newer services or system executions like file path pillaging

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

 ____       ______     _____     ______     ______     ______     ______     __     ______  
/\  == \   /\  ___\   /\  __-.  /\  == \   /\  __ \   /\  == \   /\  == \   /\ \   /\__  _\ 
\ \  __<   \ \  __\   \ \ \/\ \ \ \  __<   \ \  __ \  \ \  __<   \ \  __<   \ \ \  \/_/\ \/ 
 \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \____-  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_\    \ \_\ 
  \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/____/   \/_/ /_/   \/_/\/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/     \/_/ 

Version 5.0                            Interactive Console                 Scare_Sec_Hackers                                                                                            
                                            ___ \\ '--._
                                        .'`   `'    o  )
                                        /    \   '. __.'
                                      _|    /_  \ \_\_
                                     For Hackers
                                          By Hackers



Its finally here! Red Rabbit version 5.0 finnally only took us 40 effing years XD

What is the Red Rabbit Project

In short, the Red Rabbit Project is a project that attempts to touch every field of programming and hacking, this includes using languages like perl and ruby, and touching fields of hacking like white hat hacking and green hat hacking, this frameworks main goal is to help people in both attacks, pentesting engangements as well as just over all having fun and getting to help the user learn more about hacking, Red Rabbit Consists of many fields such as network recon, web recon, web exploitation, stegeanography, SSH Possession, OSINT, Exploitation and more. This script features many tools to auto exploit certian services like SOAP vTIGER services, PHP applications, RFI LFI vulnerable hosts, SQL Injectable MYSQL servers, and so much more among that range.

general installs and helpful information

when installing red rabbit i want you to know that while it seems like there is alot of libs that are being installed there isnt, a cool thing about the RR5 modification is alot of the useless code in ASM, C, RAK, M40, or fortran was converted all to golang, when you run a install go file all the installs and modules do not stay in your root GOPATH they actually just sit in a file called go.sum, which in the case you need to free up space and RR5 you need to delete all the modules you install in go will automatically go away once you delete the RR5 path, because you have deleted the go.sum package, but when you do delete this file and still want to use RR5 you will not be able to use it properly given most close to all scripts utilize GO

All in one install

git clone https://github.com/ArkAngeL43/Red-Rabbit-V5 ; cd Red-Rabbit-V5 ; chmod +x ./INSTALL_RR5.sh ; ./INSTALL_RR5.sh

when you are done run the command -> sudo ruby main.rb

Absolute requirements when running this script

When running RR5 you want to ensure that you are a root user to do this just run the file as sudo ruby main.rb or log into a root shell on your machine by typing sudo -su if you are not root and you still choose to run the script, you will get the following ANNOYING VERY VERY ANNOYING BRIGHT blue warning GUI which looks like the following


Interacting with the documentation

so during the development of RR5 i told yall i was going to add a web UI to the red rabbit script, and i did, while its not exactly what yall wanted its still something, let me first off start by saying the documentation for RR5 IS FUCKING HUGE, there is over 110+ commands in this script and i talk about each and every one about how it works, how to work with it, how you would use it, how it actually works along side of the console, and how everything is sent. You may be wondering why i would do this, for one no tool can have to much documentation in my opinion, and second because this tool is supposed to work as a learning utility for people as well, instead of just another script to fuck people over with. as i mentioned at the top now in this script i added a really nice dashboard and web UI for this tools docmumentation, which also works alot better with the eyes XDDD. when you enter the command in the RR5 directory ( AFTER INSTALLS ) then you will get prompted to a console input, when you get into the console to get to the documentation you will need to run the command doc_fullc which will launch a localhost server on port 5501 this will be the following output

 ______     ______     _____     ______     ______     ______     ______     __     ______  
/\  == \   /\  ___\   /\  __-.  /\  == \   /\  __ \   /\  == \   /\  == \   /\ \   /\__  _\ 
\ \  __<   \ \  __\   \ \ \/\ \ \ \  __<   \ \  __ \  \ \  __<   \ \  __<   \ \ \  \/_/\ \/ 
 \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \____-  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_\    \ \_\ 
  \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/____/   \/_/ /_/   \/_/\/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/     \/_/ 

Version 5.0                            Interactive Console                 Scare_Sec_Hackers                                                                                            
                                            ___ \\ '--._
                                        .'`   `'    o  )
                                        /    \   '. __.'
                                      _|    /_  \ \_\_

Server URL -> http://localhost:5501
Google URL ->
Server DB  -> PostGreSQL

When you follow this url you will get something alot like this image below

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy
When you get to the web UI you will have practically everything you need around the major commands of this script, to compare here is a list of all current commands in RR5

Table of Contents:
        Working -> Command works and has been tested 
        Deving  -> Broken, Bugged or In current development
|-> commands   | Show this command menu with the status                                    |Working |
|-> h          | Show this command menu with the status                                    |Working |
|-> help       | Show this command menu with the status                                    |Working |
|-> help-nosta | Show all cuurent commands without a status active true/false              |Working |
|-> ajax-wo    | Ajax spider without whois for every url scanned                           |Working |
|-> ajax-NK    | Ajax spider NUCLEAR aka a over powered crawler                            |Working |
|-> ajax-wu    | Ajax spider with whois for every url scanned   UNSTABLE                   |Working | 
|-> whois      | Get information on a domain such as nameservers                           |Working |
|-> xss-t      | Test a URL for XSS vulnerabilities                                        |Working |
|-> sql-t      | Test a URL for possible SQLI vulnerabilities                              |Working |
|-> kick_MSQL  | Extract table names and database names from vulnerbale MySQL Servers      |Working |
|-> MongMiner  | Extract data from vulnerable mongo databases via connect  IP Connect      |Deving  |
|-> MySQLMiner | Extract data from vulnerable MySQL databases via connect  IP Connect      |Deving  |
|-> fp-pillage | Walk filepaths for very important information such as users passwords etc |Working |
|-> Sniff-FTP  | Sniff cleartext FTP credentials on defualt port 21                        |Working |
|-> eth-sniff  | Dump, Log, and output TCP dump logs on interfaces (PS: this is amazing)   |Working |
|-> if-listen  | Find devices you can listen on before capturing network info              |Working |
|-> Sub_domfind| Run a Sub Domain Finder to guess domains and record CNAMES and A records  |Working |
|-> fake-ap    | Spawn fake 802.11 access points                                           |Working |
|-> SSH-B-R    | Brute force a SSH server   (ruby)                                         |Working |
|-> SSH-B-G    | Brute force a SSH server   (Golang)                                       |Working |
|-> SMTP-b     | Brute force a SMTP email                                                  |Working |
|-> FTP-b      | Brute force a FTP server                                                  |Working |
|-> LFI-PHI    | Command injection ( WARNING: STILL IN development VERY BUGGY DO NOT USE)  |Working |
|-> MD5-B      | Brute force a list of MD5 hashes                                          |Working |
|-> SHA256-B   | Brute force a list of SHA-256 hashes with optional password lists         |Working |
|-> SSH-p      | SSH possession                                                            |Working |
|-> SSH-i      | Inject SSH files into a host                                              |Working |
|-> ARP-DNS    | Arp spoof a client or network                                             |Working | 
|-> DHCMP-S    | Run a DHCMP attack                                                        |Working |
|-> port-r     | Run a port scanning tool in ruby to port scan websites                    |Working |
|-> port-r-h   | Run a port scanning tool in ruby to port scan HOST IPA's                  |Working |
|-> d-g        | Run a port scanning tool in Golang                                        |Working |
|-> port-g-l   | Run a port scanning tool in golang but for list scans and domains         |Working |
|-> dom-g      | Domain information grabber [ basic ]                                      |Working |
|-> F-dns      | Forward DNS lookup                                                        |Working |
|-> d-o        | Full domain OSINT                                                         |Working |
|-> URL-r      | Full URL recon                                                            |Working |
|-> HTML-r     | Download the HTML file of a webpage                                       |Working |
|-> r-dns      | Reverse DNS lookup                                                        |Working |
|-> ip-t       | Trace an IP                                                               |Working |
|-> PNT-U      | Phone number tracer US numbers only                                       |Working |
|-> CF         | Mine IPA's for cameras                                                    |Working |
|-> dm-b       | Route domain name connections to the loopback                             |Working |
|-> FTP-C      | FTP credential sniffer                                                    |Working |
|-> ftp-read   | FTP credential sniffer in analyzation of PCAPNG files                     |Working |
|-> FTP-R      | FTP Fuzzer [ruby]                                                         |Working |
|-> FTP-G      | FTP Fuzzer [Golang]                                                       |Working |
|-> JBOS-F     | Fuzz JBOS services with optional SSL                                      |Working |
|-> tcp-d      | TCP network traffic analyzer                                              |Working |
|-> hd         | Hex dumper                                                                |Working |
|-> W-SSID     | Wifi SSID/BSSID finder [ python ]                                         |Working |
|-> G-BSSID    | Wifi SSID/BSSID finder [ Golang ]                                         |Working |
|-> start-i    | Start interface [ airmon ]                                                |Working |
|-> stop-i     | Stop interface  [ airmon ]                                                |Working |
|-> si-phy     | Start interface [ phy-dev ]                                               |Working |
|-> s-phys     | Stop interface  [ phy-dev ]                                               |Working |
|-> SOAP-E     | Attempt to get a PHP shell on vTiger CRM SOAP Applications  in development|Working |
|-> ps-deam    | Get host information through a interactive deamon mode built with go      |Working |
|-> doc-dem    | Learn and read more about the documentation through a web UI              |Working |
|-> robo-get   | Get the robots .txt of a URL and download/save it to the Active directory |Working |
|-> QR=nolist  | Generate a QR code with a given URL ( Without parsing a list ) [ perl ]   |Working |
|-> QR=list    | Generate a QR code for every URL in a given list or file                  |Working |
|-> EXIF       | Gather basic EXIF data from an image using perl                           |Working |
|-> sqlf       | Run my forked version of SQLI_Finder, With a crawler                      |Working |
|-> sqlf=L     | Run the same as above but with a URL list to test without a ajax spider   |Working |
|-> generate-w | Generate wordlist files with random characters and numbers based on size  |Working |
|-> modules    | Check the loaded modules for RR5                                          |Working |
|-> Root-cm    | Check and look at all the Root commands for this script                   |Working |
|-> myip       | Gather your local, private, and public IP address                         |Working |
|-> MSF_Session| Gather all current metasploit sessions MUST HAVE MSF ENV EXPORTED         |Working |
|-> iface      | Gather a list of your current interfaces                                  |Working |
|-> dump-pcap  | Dump a pcap file                                                          |Working |
|-> warnings   | View possible warnings that are user based in script [POP UP WILL OCCURE] |Working |
|-> Proto-IP   | Check wether or not an ip address belongs to the proton mail VPN Service  |Working |
|-> Proto-SMTP | Check wether or not an EMAIL address belongs to the proton mail Service   |Working |
|-> D-Cow      | Run the dirty Cow EXPLOIT for file privlege escalation                    |Working |
|-> ver-ip     | Verify if an IP string is correct ( uses regex )                          |Working |
|-> web_view   | View my welcome and thank you page for the helpers of this project        |Working |
|-> .env-v     | Test a list of urls for a .env file extension                             |Working |
|-> loc-dos    | Run a local DOSSING script                                                |Working |
|-> saph       | Run my own forked version of the saphyra HTTP slow down script            |Working |
|-> usr-recon  | Run a user search with defualt URLS                                       |Working |
|-> usr-reconw | Run a user recon search with your own custom list of hosts and files      |Working |
|-> tor-t      | Test tor proxy's standard is SOCKS://5                                    |Working |
|-> ghosted    | Run the ghosted os deletion shell [https://github.com/ArkAngeL43/Ghosted] |Working |
|-> tor-magic  | Run http analyzation on headers using tor                                 |Working |
|-> LDAP-i     | Inject a LDAP server and try to blindly grab user credentials             |Working |
|-> sha-1      | Generate a SHA-1 hash                                                     |Working |
|-> sha-2      | Generate a sha-2 hash                                                     |Working |
|-> ceaser     | Use the caesar cipher method to generate a password                       |Working |
|-> basic-shod | Run a basic shodan search on a host or search term                        |Working |
|-> port-shod  | Run a basic SHODAN scan to find the ports of a host                       |Working |
|-> acc-shod   | Get basic information on youe shodan API                                  |Working |
|-> hon-shod   | Test the probability of a ip address being a honeypot                     |Working |
|-> asy-shod   | Use async to grab the probability of an IP being a honeypot [shodan]      |Working |
|-> snmp1      | Enumerate SNMP servers to get basic information                           |Working |
|-> trojan-f   | Attempt to identify trojans by scanning a list of ports                   |Working |
|-> PHPBB      | Attempt to get the PHP BB version of a URL                                |Working |
|-> shell-gen  | Generate Shellcode                                                        |Working |
|-> RFI-S      | Scan a website for RFI vulnerabilities ( Remote File Inclusion )          |Deving  |
|-> LFI-S      | Scan a website for LFI vulnerabilities ( Local  File Inclusion )          |Working |
|-> BIN-C      | Scan a binary file for possible Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities           |Working |
|-> CPANEL-B   | Brute force CPANEL hosts with lists of useranmes and saved passwords      |Working |
|-> CPANEL-CVE | Check if you're CPANEL is old or vulnerable to 2006 exploits              |Working |
|-> HTML-DEF   | Deface ALL HTML files in a certian filepath of your system                |Working |
|-> spider-pa  | Run another directory spider for HTTP url's and try to verify them        |Working | 
|-> val-w3c    | W3C Validation script                                                     |Deving  |
|-> doc_fullc  | Run a better more fancier but fully loaded Localhost documentation server |Working |
|Total commands| Current command listing => 106                                            |106 Work|

Side notes about this project

RR5 is as most of you know a major project, i worked on it alone asides having some people chip in and help with bash scripting, there are some issues and bugs in the script while also seeing the the main.rb file is a mess right now, in further versions i will be changing the code and making it a bit more worky per say, i might even remake it in go. so there will obviously be bugs but im working on the fix as of inital release which will be the version 5.5 update.

perl scripts

RR5 HEAVILY revolves around go and perl to run, but one thing that has been confusing people is the sec095206 perl script which looks like this

# copyright@cpanel.net            http://www.cpanel.net
# This is the offical SEC code for the latest patch of CPANEL 
# This file will be run/GET rom the URL
#  http://layer1.cpanel.net/installer/sec092506.pl
# to update to the latest CPANEL Version
# in link to `CPanel exploit checker`
# ArkAngeL43 and any other contribs 
# take no credits for this code or update script 
# please navigate to the docs or the CPANEL module for more information
# as to why this is here
      unshift @INC,'/scripts';

use Socket;
my $httpClient;
eval {
      require cPScript::HttpRequest;
         $httpClient = cPScript::HttpRequest->new();

my $gotSigALRM=0;
my $connecttimeout = 30;

my $system;
my $machine;
chomp($system = `uname -s`);
chomp($machine = `uname -m`);

my %UPCONF      = loadcpupdateconf();

if ($UPCONF{'CPANEL'} =~ /stable/i) {
} elsif ($UPCONF{'CPANEL'} =~ /current/i) {
} elsif ($UPCONF{'CPANEL'} =~ /edge/i) {
} elsif ($UPCONF{'CPANEL'} =~ /nightly/i) {

note that this is not my code, i have made a CPANEL Vulnerability scanner inside of this script and this is the file which is the latest update DO NOT RUN THIS FILE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD BY THE SCANNER TO DO SO IF YOU ARE USING OLDER VULNERABLE VERSIONS OF CPANEL! i have had to say that alot even prior to release but its not a main file that RR5 uses despite it heavily using perl this is a system thing you will run individually if you have a vulnerable version of CPANEL

major changes to RR5

I would like to start this off by saying that RR5 is a MAJOR step up from RR4, more commands, lightweight, portable, easy, bigger, less bugs, easier work arounds and so much more. the first thing I decided to fix was the languages, in RR4 there was ALOT of un used languages like Rust, or some perl scripts, or python which could have easily been convertable to go or ruby so I did it, I went through RR4 and completely remade it, it is now a interactive user console which has the options of web interfaces and much more among that to suprise you guys with.


// languages used, C|Go|Assembly ALL C and ASM IS INLINE
// TODO: grab interfaces, grab IP, grab hostname, grab hwid, copy files, remove files, factory reset windows AND mac, kill linux systems, check connection, grab node names
// grab basic system information, grab CPU with inline assembly, read a directorys data, grab the working directory, | make a banner.txt, make a commands.txt
// author => ArkAngeL43
package main

//#include <unistd.h>
//#include <errno.h>
//#include <sys/utsname.h>
//#include <sys/utsname.h>
//// this main terminal will make sure the user is on the os they selected as well as make sure
//// sure that they want to go through with the following executions and system removal/reset
//int main_run(){

This code is not commented out its just how you build inline C with go, but same with asm inline with the C, it all does not require other compilers you need to install outside of RR5 because most linux systems come standard with AS or GCC which also comes standard with go XD

Here is a small list of the bigger things i elinminated or added that was in RR5

  • more perl use
  • less bugs
  • more commands
  • Eliminated rust
  • Eliminated RAKU
  • Eliminated bash ( Outside of viruses for SSH POSESSION )
  • Eliminated BATCH ( Outside of viruses for SSH POSESSION )
  • Added Web UI's
  • Added more scanners
  • Made more modules
  • Organized files
  • Added a documentation search
  • Added better styles and output
  • Better install files
  • Better install direction
  • Better and easier calling to the script
  • Made it mandatory for ROOT for the user to run it
  • Added more wifi utilities and better utils
  • Fixed interface bugs
  • Fixed Premission denied errors when and after installs
  • Converted most if not all python, rust, c, c++, and un needed languages into GO
  • Rewrote most modules in go
  • Re organized script layout
  • Added the use of more ruby modules
  • etc

Working your way around the perl installs

While i do not have the user manually install everything there will stioll be some configuration issues people i feel may have which will mainly revolve around perl. When the perl installs hit the bash script you will know its going to be obvious but if you are not root ( PLEASE DO WHEN INSTALLING ) then you will be prompted to something like this

Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/root/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz'
  Database was generated on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 20:55:38 GMT
  New CPAN.pm version (v2.29) available.
  [Currently running version is v2.27]
  You might want to try
    install CPAN
    reload cpan
  to both upgrade CPAN.pm and run the new version without leaving
  the current session.

Would you like to run local/l Root/r or exit/e > 

if you are somehow printed to this menu then you will need to select r or whatever option is for root because thats where the modules need to be installed for INC to locate it since they arent .pm modules ( perl modules ) that are in the directory on which RR5 works with, if you dont when you run a command inside of RR5 that runs a perl file you will get the following errors

# example
Can't locate net/http.pm in @INC (you may need to install the net::http module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.32.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.32.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.32 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.32 /usr/share/perl/5.32 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at - line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 1.

its over all during running of the script and installs you MUST be root to execute it or else the installs will mess up and the RR5 main.rb file will not run

demos and images of what RR5 mainly features

RR5 features a tone of things such as advanced network sniffers, credential brute forcers, hash brute forcers, SSH possession scripts, OSINT investigation scripts, and much more, here are some demos for you to really get a grip on what RR5 holds inside of it. (NOTE FOR USER: While the script seems like its running other tools its not, just each script i made in the modules file has its own unique banner to add to the theme of the tool, to make it more snazzyyy XDDD )

Demo of the Network sniffer or command eth-sniff

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Password generation

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Ghosted Shell for OS deletion

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

QR Code Generation with and without lists or URLs

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Username Recon

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Fake Access Point Module

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

BOF Scanner for Binary files

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Proton OSINT Utilities

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

IP tracing utils

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Join our discord server and ask about RR5 or our security team

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh barcode thingy

Or join via URL

I appreciate you tunning in to look at this project! hope it serves you right

██████  ███████ ██████        ██████   █████  ██████  ██████  ██ ████████       ██    ██ ███████ ██████  ███████ ██  ██████  ███    ██       ███████     ██████  
██   ██ ██      ██   ██       ██   ██ ██   ██ ██   ██ ██   ██ ██    ██          ██    ██ ██      ██   ██ ██      ██ ██    ██ ████   ██       ██         ██  ████ 
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██   ██ ██      ██   ██       ██   ██ ██   ██ ██   ██ ██   ██ ██    ██           ██  ██  ██      ██   ██      ██ ██ ██    ██ ██  ██ ██            ██    ████  ██ 
██   ██ ███████ ██████        ██   ██ ██   ██ ██████  ██████  ██    ██            ████   ███████ ██   ██ ███████ ██  ██████  ██   ████       ███████ ██  ██████  
DATA: INF: Red Rabbit -> For Hackers by Hacker
 DATA: INF: Red Rabbit -> Written and Designed by -> Scare_Security | ArkAngeL43 => Your just another fish in the sea

                                                                   ^`.                     o
                                                  ^_              \  \                  o  o
                                                  \ \             {   \                 o
                                                  {  \           /     `~~~--__
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                                                   / /~~~~-, ,__.    ,      ///  __,,,,)      o  ______/    \
                                                   \/      \/    `~~~;   ,---~~-_`~= \ \------o-'            \
                                                                    /   /            / /
                                                                   '._.'           _/_/

Join our CTF Platform :D And server

Parrot Pentest/CTF Discord Server | https://discord.gg/7qhxxA2qbn

Parrot Pentest/CTF Discord Server Barcode

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy

Parrot CTF platform | https://parrot-ctfs.com/

Parrot CTF Barcode =====

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dash thingy