
C++ library for modern OpenGL experiments

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Codacy Badge License: MIT


erhe is a C++ library for modern OpenGL experiments.

  • Uses direct state access (DSA)
  • Uses bindless textures (when supported by driver)
  • Uses persistently mapped buffers
  • Uses multi draw indirect
  • Uses latest OpenGL and GLSL versions
  • Uses multiple threads and OpenGL contexts
  • Uses abstraction for OpenGL pipeline state a bit similar to Vulkan (see erhe::graphics)
  • Simple type safe(r) wrapper for GL API (see erhe::gl)
  • Supports Windows and Linux

erhe is evolution of RenderStack https://github.com/tksuoran/RenderStack




All dependencies of erhe are either included directly in src/ for small libraries, or git pulled from their repositories using CMake fetchcontent during CMake configure step.

Windows Requirements

  • C++ compiler. Visual Studio 2022 with msbuild has been tested. Ninjabuild GCC and clang may also work, and some older versions of Visual Studio.

  • Python 3

  • CMake

  • Optional: ninja from https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases

Linux Requirements

  • Recent enough CMake
    • Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 have been tested to good
    • Ubuntu 18.04 has too old version of CMake
    • https://apt.kitware.com/ may help to get recent CMake
  • New enough C++ compiler
    • clang-10 or newer is ok
    • GCC-9 or newer are ok
    • GCC-8 or older is not currently support
  • python 3
  • packages such xorg-dev

For IDE:

  • Visual Studio Code with CMake and C++ extensions is supported
  • CLion is supported

Build steps for Visual Studio (Windows)

  • git clone https://github.com/tksuoran/erhe
  • In x64 native tools command prompt for vs 2022, cd to the erhe directory
  • scripts\configure_msbuild.bat
  • Open solution from the build directory with Visual Studio
  • Build solution, or editor executable

Build steps for CLion (Windows and Linux)

erhe has initial CLion support.

Currently, CLion does not fully support CMake presets. Enable Debug profile only. If you want to make a release build, edit settings for that profile, instead of trying to use the other CMake preset profiles.

  • Get from VCS: URL: https://github.com/tksuoran/erhe
  • Clone
  • Keep Debug CMake profile enabled, do not enable other profiles
  • Either default toolchain MinGW or Visual Studio
  • Wait for CMake configure to complete. It will say [Finished] in CMake tab
  • Build Project or Build 'editor'
  • Run editor

For IDE:

  • Visual Studio Code with CMake and C++ extensions is supported
  • CLion is supported

Build steps for Visual Studio Code (Windows and Linux)

  • git clone https://github.com/tksuoran/erhe
  • Open erhe folder in Visual Studio code
  • Execute command: CMake: Select Configure Preset
  • Execute command: CMake: Configure
  • Execute command: CMake: Build


There are several configuration options that can be set when configuring erhe with CMake:

Option Description Recognized values
ERHE_AUDIO_LIBRARY Audio library miniaudio, none
ERHE_FONT_RASTERIZATION_LIBRARY Font rasterization library freetype, none
ERHE_GLTF_LIBRARY GLTF library cgltf, none
ERHE_GUI_LIBRARY GUI library imgui, none
ERHE_PHYSICS_LIBRARY Physics library bullet, jolt, none
ERHE_PNG_LIBRARY PNG loading library mango, none
ERHE_PROFILE_LIBRARY Profile library superluminal, tracy, none
ERHE_RAYTRACE_LIBRARY Raytrace library embree, bvh, none
ERHE_SVG_LIBRARY SVG loading library lunasvg, none
ERHE_TEXT_LAYOUT_LIBRARY Text layout library harfbuzz, freetype, none
ERHE_WINDOW_LIBRARY Window library glfw, none
ERHE_XR_LIBRARY XR library OpenXR, none

Main purposes of these configuration options are

  • Allow faster build times by disabling features that are not used (during development)
  • Allow to choose different physics and raytrace backends


The main physics backend is currently bullet. The jolt physics backend is less complete, and requires more work before it is usable.


The main raytrace backend is currently embree. Even the embree backend is incomplete, causing performance issues when creating larger scenes.

erhe (editor) can be configured to use raytrace for mouse picking models from 3D viewports. By default, and when raytrace backend is set to none, mouse picking uses GPU rendering based, where GPU renders ID buffer (unique color per object and triangle) and the image is read back to the CPU.


The main profile library is Tracy.

Superluminal was briefly tested, but support for it is likely rotten.


Only glfw is currently supported as window library in erhe.

Disabling window library removes ability to show desktop window. Such configuration can still be useful if OpenXR is used.


Only openxr is currently supported as XR library in erhe.

Disabling xr library removes ability to enable headset rendering in erhe editor.


Only lunasvg is current supported as SVG loading library in erhe. Disabling SVG library removes erhe editor scene node icons.


Disabling PNG library removes erhe window icon.

Current implementation uses mango (subset) and spng for loading PNG files.


Disabling GLTF library removes capability to parse GLTF files in erhe editor.


Currently, audio library is only used with some code (VR theremin) that is currently not functional. miniaudio can be enabled, but at the moment it is best to use none.


Currently, only freetype is supported. Disabling font rasterization library removes native text rendering in erhe. ImGui content is not affected.


Currently, only harfbuzz is supported. Freetype as text layout support is rotten but might be resurrected.

Disabling font layout library removes native text rendering in erhe. ImGui content is not affected.



Editor is a sandbox like experimentation executable with a random set of functionality

  • Scene is (mostly) procedurally generated
  • A primitive GLTF parser can load GLTF file content
  • A primitive obj parser can load OBJ file content
  • ImGui is used extensively for user interface
  • Content can be viewed with OpenXR compatible headset (if enabled from erhe.ini)
  • Scene nodes can be manipulated with a basic translation / rotation gizmo
  • When physics backend is enabled, scene models can interact physically
  • Scene model geometries can be manipulated with operations such as Catmull-Clark
  • Scene models can be created using a brush tool (must have selected brush and material)

erhe::components namespace

erhe::components namespace provides classes to manage components. Components can depend on each other. Components declare what other components they need for their initialization. With this information, components are automatically initialized in correct order, also in parallel if so configured.


  • Provides services other component

  • Uses phased construction to make sure component initializations are done automatically in correct order

    • C++ constructor

      • Other components might not yet be constructed
      • Components can be constructed in any order
      • Can do initialization which do not depend on other components
    • declare_required_components():

      • This method is called when all components have been constructed

      • Other components can be fetched with require<>

      • Other components have C++ constructors called, but they have not yet been initialized with Component::initialize() and the order in which declare_required_components() is undefined.

      • Components fetched with require<> are added as dependencies, and they will be initialized before Component::initialize() will be called.

    • initialize():

      • When initialize() is called for a component, then dependency components are guaranteed to be already initialized.

        Call to initialize() may happen from a worker thread.

        Within initialize() it is valid to call get<>() for components that have been declared as dependency. Calling get<>() for any other component is fatal error.

    • post_initialize()

      • When post_initialize() is called for a component, all components are guaranteed to have been initialized. The order of calls to post_initialize() is not defined.

        This is the earliest point where a component is free to call get<>() to obtain access to any other component.

        Calls to post_initialize() will happen in the main thread.


  • Maintains a set of components

  • Finds out the order which components must be initialized based on declared dependencies


  • Construct all components, using Components::add(make_shared<>())

  • In each Component declare_required_components(), declare what other componenss are needed to initialize the componen by using Component::require<>()

  • Once all components have been added, call Components::initialize_components(). This will call Component::declare_required_components() for all components, followed by Component::initialize() for each component, in order which respects all declared dependencies. If there are circular dependencies, initialize_components() will log and error and abort.

    After all components have been initialized, Component::post_initialize() will be called to all components.

erhe::geometry namespace

erhe::geometry namespace provides classes manipulating geometric, polygon based 3D objects.

Geometry is collection of Points, Polygons, Corners and their attributes.

Arbitrary attributes can be associated with each Point, Polygon and Corner.

These classes are designed for manipulating 3D objects, not for rendering them. See erhe::mesh how to render geometry objects.

Some features:

  • Catmull-Clark subdivision operation
  • Sqrt3 subdivision operation
  • Conway operators:
    • Dual
    • Ambo
    • Truncate
    • Gyro

erhe::gl namespace

erhe::gl namespace provides python generated low level C++ wrappers for GL API.

Some features:

  • Strongly typed C++ enums
  • Optional API call logging, with enum and bitfield values shown as human readable strings
  • Queries for checking GL extension and command support
  • Helper functions to map enum values to/from zero based integers, to help with ImGui, hashing, serialization

erhe::graphics namespace

erhe::graphics namespace provides classes basic 3D rendering with modern OpenGL.

Currently, erhe uses OpenGL as graphics API. The erhe::graphics builds a vulkan-like abstraction on top of OpenGL:

  • erhe::graphics::Pipeline capsulates all relevant GL state.

erhe::log namespace

erhe::log namespace provides helpers / wrappers for spdlog logging/

erhe::primitive namespace

erhe::primitive namespace provides classes to convert erhe::geometry::Geometry to renderable vertex and index buffers.

erhe::scene namespace

erhe::scene namespace provides classes for basic 3D scene graph.

Warning: erhe::physics is in early, experimental stages.

erhe::toolkit namespace

erhe::toolkit namespace provides windowing system abstraction, currently using GLFW3, and some small helper functions.

Also included are macros VERIFY(condition) and FATAL(format, ...) which can be used in place of assert() and unrecoverable error.

erhe::physics namespace

erhe::physics namespace provides minimal abstraction / wrappers for Bullet / Jolt. The Bullet physics backend is more complete. The Jolt physics backend is barely started. Both will need more work.

Warning: erhe::physics is in early, experimental stages.

erhe::application namespace

erhe::application contains code that can be shared with multiple applications. Features contained in this library may eventually end up elsewhere.

Some features:

  • Commands that can be bound to input events (key, mouse events)
  • OpenGL context provided for multi-threaded loading of OpenGL resources
  • ImGui window wrapper/abstraction, including custom ImGui backend / renderer using erhe
  • Shader hot-reloading support Shader_monitor

Warning: erhe::application is in early, experimental stages.