
A Simple Token

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Token

This repository contains a simple ERC20 token codebase, with the necessary tooling for simple configuration and deployment.


System Dependencies

Install the following programs


Clone this repository to your local machine

$ git clone https://github.com/decentorganization/simple-token

App Dependencies

cd into the simple-token directory, and install dependencies

$ yarn install

Environment Configuration

Create a .env file to hold configuration values, by copying .env.example

$ cp .env.example .env

Open the new .env file and edit as you see fit

Local Development

Local Blockchain

Start up a truffle dev environment, which includes a local blockchain, for local testing and development

$ yarn run truffle dev

Take note of the output, specifically the first entry (0) under Private Keys. Copy it to your clipboard then head to the next step.

Metamask Setup

First connect to the locally-running blockchain from within Metamask

  • Click on the Network Dropdown
  • Select "Custom RPC"
  • Scroll to "New Network"
  • Type in http://localhost:9545 in the "New RPC URL" field
  • Click SAVE

Next, import the local blockchain account into Metamask

  • Click on the Accounts button in the top right corner
  • Click "Import Account"
  • Paste the Private Key from above into the box titled "Paste your private key string here:"
  • Click IMPORT

You should see that you have 100 ETH in your account.

Deploy Contracts Locally

From within the truffle REPL, migrate (deploy) the contracts onto the local blockchain with the migrate command

truffle(develop)> migrate

Copy the contract address under the 2_deploy_simple_token.js section: Deploying 'SimpleToken'. This is the address at which the new token lives on our local blockchain, we'll add it to Metamask next.

Add the token to Metamask

We can add our newly migrated token to Metamask, to check our balance and interact with the token

  • Click the hamburger menu button
  • Click "Add Token" at the bottom
  • Click the "Custom Token" tab
  • Paste the token's address into the "Token Address" field
  • The "Token Symbol" and "Decimals of Precision" fields should automatically fill in
  • Click "Next
  • Click "Add Tokens"

You should see your token balance


Use truffle migrate to deploy the contracts to a network

$ yarn run truffle migrate

Specify a network with the --network flag

$ yarn run truffle migrate --network ropsten

Note: The truffle-config.js configuration is not currently set up for any live networks

Made with 💜 in Cleveland