- 0
Inconsistent capitalization for asset names: LANDs, NAMEs, etc.
#3211 opened by zkpub - 0
Add the third party programmatic selector
#3203 opened by LautaroPetaccio - 0
Change collection put for sale flow
#3159 opened by meelrossi - 0
Clean up linked wearables code
#3204 opened by LautaroPetaccio - 0
Modify change price flow when collection is published
#3160 opened by meelrossi - 0
Names deployments not loading correctly
#3127 opened by meelrossi - 0
Names Edit button is not working
#3119 opened by meelrossi - 0
Keep overrides after updating a wearable's model
#3103 opened by LautaroPetaccio - 0
- 0
- 0
Remove Three and use Babylon for the 3D models
#3085 opened by LautaroPetaccio - 0
Add CSP directives to the Builder site
#3084 opened by LautaroPetaccio - 1
Update wearables and skins max size
#3049 opened by braianj - 0
[BUG] Builder overview page layout style is broken
#2978 opened by cyaiox - 0
Don't query for expired ens names
#2966 opened by fzavalia - 1
Add tracking for different actions
#2948 opened by fzavalia - 1
Track the deployment of a world
#2962 opened by fzavalia - 0
Create FTU modal with info about new worlds storage
#2920 opened by fzavalia - 0
Reuse ENS images instead of having multiple copies
#2961 opened by fzavalia - 0
Update storage component layout to look like this
#2955 opened by fzavalia - 0
- 0
Find a solution to undeploy or handle scenes that were undeployed with by publishing an empty scene
#2954 opened by fzavalia - 0
Use undeploy endpoint to undeploy a world
#2944 opened by fzavalia - 0
Create empty page state for not having any ENS name
#2937 opened by fzavalia - 1
Create "Your Storage" modal that shows how much mbs you have from the different holdings
#2919 opened by fzavalia - 0
Allow user to publish world when they have no DCL Names but yes another ENS names
#2907 opened by fzavalia - 0
Update the state of the deployment when the user does not have enough storage
#2934 opened by fzavalia - 0
Create table to list DCL world deployments of a user
#2913 opened by fzavalia - 0
Create table to list ENS world deployments of a user
#2914 opened by fzavalia - 0
Display the ENS worlds list view or DCL worlds list view depending on the selected tab
#2931 opened by fzavalia - 0
Show proper message when deploying to an ENS world and it fails because it is larger than 25mb
#2915 opened by fzavalia - 1
Show proper message when deploying to a DCL world and it fails because it is larger than the storage the user has available
#2916 opened by fzavalia - 0
- 0
Create component to show how much storage the user has in total and has currently used
#2912 opened by fzavalia - 0
- 0
Create client to request the current storage used and available storage for the current user
#2911 opened by fzavalia - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Show new modal according to feature flag
#2905 opened by fzavalia - 0
Fix issue after the scene is deployed to the ENS world
#2906 opened by fzavalia - 0
- 0
Worlds For ENS Owners - Worlds View
#2918 opened by fzavalia - 0
Worlds For ENS Owners
#2887 opened by fzavalia - 0
Worlds For ENS Owners - Deploy Modal
#2917 opened by fzavalia - 0
Handle "Worlds for ENS" feature flag
#2900 opened by fzavalia - 0
Create saga to fetch owner ENS names
#2894 opened by fzavalia - 0
Create feature flag for the feature
#2893 opened by fzavalia - 2
Code logic to obtain all owner ens addresses
#2889 opened by fzavalia - 2
Deploy ENS Subgraph to the Sepolia network
#2888 opened by fzavalia