Docs web

Set up local environment

  1. Install Hugo locally
  2. Clone this repository (including the submodules)
    git clone --recurse-submodules
  3. Run hugo serve to preview changes locally and follow the instructions in the terminal to open a browser

Links syntax

[Link to page]({{< ref "/content/subsection/" >}})

More info:

To publish [publish]({{< ref "/content/creator/scenes/publishing/" >}}) your scene bla bla bla

Debugging pages values

To debug the current context of Hugo (the site renderer) you may use this snippet

{{- printf "%#v" . -}}


{{- printf "%#v" $ -}}

Multi platform tabs

Tabs should be used to list content for different platforms as seen in /content/creator/sdk7/getting-started/

{{< tabs "open-terminal" >}}
{{< tab "Windows" >}} Right click on the Start button, then search for "_cmd_" and select the "Command Prompt". {{< /tab >}}
{{< tab "MacOS" >}} Open the Launchpad (Cmd+space) and look for "_Terminal_" {{< /tab >}}
{{< tab "Linux" >}} You already know how to do it {{< /tab >}}
{{< /tabs >}}