
Decentralized Identity System

The Decentralized Identity System DID (did:dis) standard, proposed by District Labs and Disco, is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based decentralized identifier (DID) standard that embodies progressive commitment threshold engineering principles.

The did:dis standard gives users a low-friction (and low-cost) method for bootstrapping a blockchain based Smart Wallet, with built-in support for the W3C decentralized identifier and verifiable credential standards.

The standard relies on a combination of counterfactual statements, offchain Identity Hubs and onchain Public Key Infrastructure.

Giving people all over the world the ability to bootstrap a new decentralized identifier using only 2 private key signatures, while maintaining the ability to progressively strengthen the security and robustness of the underlying Smart Wallet, as they reach new Web3 commitment thresholds.

The standard uses the following concepts, standards and technologies:

Decentralized Identifier (DID) Documents Counterfactual Statements Identity Hubs - Offchain Data Storage for Cryptographically Signed Messages Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (EIP-3668) Account Abstraction (EIP-4337 i.e. Smart Wallets) Onchain Public Key Infrastructure Authorization, Object Capabilities and Intents