DIF Open Group Repo Template


Use this repository template for DIF User Groups and Special Interest Groups, collectively referred to as Open Groups (OGs). It does the following:

  • Contains the group's common files (such as license and contributing instructions) in the main branch
  • Hosts the group's landing page in the gh-pages branch

Template Instructions

  • Find/replace "template-for-OGs" with group name
  • main branch changes:
    • Update this README.md (see example content below)
    • Add the approved group charter (in markdown format) as charter.md
    • Add chair github handles in the CODEOWNERS file.
    • Update links in AGENDA.md and set up hackmd integration
  • gh-pages branch:
    • In package.json, update group name, homepage, and repository.url
    • Add group images into docs/images/. This includes photos of chairs and the group images.
    • Update docs/index.html with relevant group information
  • Configure github repo, for example (TODO: this section needs review and clarification)
    • Update all of the links in AGENDA.md and set up hackmd integration
    • Check repo tags
    • Check gh-pages (double-check that Settings > Pages is configured correctly)

After committing these changes, you should see the group landing page at identity.foundation/[repo name]

Example README.md content

Welcome! We'd love to collaborate with you. See Contributing for details.

[Other basic group information]

  • Charter
  • Schedule
  • Meeting archive: [link to past meetings]
  • [Link to group communication channel (Discord, etc)]