
Linux tool to show progress for cp, rm, dd, ...

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

cv - Coreutils Viewer

What is it ?

This tool can be described as a Tiny Dirty Linux Only* C command that looks for coreutils basic commands (cp, mv, dd, tar, gzip/gunzip, cat, ...) currently running on your system and displays the percentage of copied data.

It can now also display an estimated throughput (using -w flag).

cv screenshot with cp and mv

(After many requests: the colors in the shell comes from powerline-shell. Try it, it's cool.)

It's probably easy to add a progress, show estimated time, and with a bit more work, provide a "top-like" mode with more accurate informations.

How do you build it ?

make && make install

How do you run it ?

Just launch the binary, « cv ».

What can I do with it ?

A few examples. You can …

… monitor all current and upcoming instances of coreutils commands in a simple window:

watch cv -q

… see how your download is running:

watch cv -wc firefox

… look at your Web server activity:

cv -c httpd

And many more.

How does it work ?

It simply scans /proc for interesting commands, and then use fd/ and fdinfo/ directories to find opened files and seek position, and reports status for the biggest file.

It's very light, and compatible with virtually any command.