This project is a pytorch implementation of a Single shot headless face detector. Original paper can be find here SSH face detector ICCV 2017 paper
official implementation is in Caffe SSH/mahyarnajibi
During my implementation of pytorch version, I referred the Faster-RCNN pytorch implementation jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch.
Compare to other faster-rcnn pytorch implementation, jwyang's implementation revised all layers from numpy to pytorch. I used anchor_target_layer , generate_anchor_box, propsal_layer and bbox layer for his implementation.
- Support python3
- Support pytorch-1.0
- Support distributed training (gradient average)
- Support multi-gpu(Multi-GPU can be done by using mulitiple distributed training on a single machine. The reason it is not support right now is because of the input size is not a fixed size.)
- Match mAP with original paper (current pretrain model have lower mAP (0.88)in wider face dataset that official implementation (0.907).
Maybe more training is needed. Great thanks if anyone can help me find out what went wrong)i fixed a problem in anchor_target_layer. Now i can get( 0.905, 0.890, 0.809) vs SSH:(0.919,0.907,0.809)
- Clone this repository
- Create conda env by using pytorch.yml provide in this repository
- Run
in themodel
cd model
download pretrained model by this link place file under check_point/ folder
For training on the WIDER dataset, you need to download the WIDER face training images and the face annotations from the dataset website. These files should be copied into data/datasets/wider/
(you can create symbolic links if you prefer to store the actual data somewhere else).
Before starting to train you should have a directory structure as follows:
For training with the default parameters, you can call the
. As an example:
For a list of all possible options run
python3 --help
On each node, you can run
For example
python3 --master_ip --master_port xxxxx --rank 0 --world_size 2
--master_ip is your master node ip address and also --master_port. You need to make sure that each node would able to communicate with master node via TCP/IP. Rank 0 means master node, rank range from[0,world_size). World_size define total number of node you want to use.
You can treat a node with multi GPU as a multi node with single gpu. by doing this, we can utilize multi GPU on a single machine. For example
python --gpu='0' --rank=0 --world_size=2 --master_ip='' --master_port=29500
python --gpu='1' --rank=1 --world_size=2 --master_ip='' --master_port=29500
For test a image with trained model, you can call the
. As an example:
For a list of all possible options run
python3 --help
The evaluation on the WIDER dataset is based on the official WIDER evaluation tool which requires MATLAB.
you need to download the validation images and
the annotations (if not downloaded for training) from the
WIDER dataset website. These files should be copied into the data/datasets/wider
directory as follows:
For evaluating with the default parameters, you can call the
. As an example:
For a list of all possible options run
python3 --help
author = {dechunwang},
title = {dechunwang/SSH-pytorch: First release},
month = nov,
year = 2018,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1728202},
url = {}