This platform is a proof of concept about using Kong with multiple services
In order to get this project working node with yarn for the front, and docker with docker-compose.
first launch kong:
docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml up -d
This will start Kong on port 8000, and admin part on 8001. it will also start konga, an admin interface on port 1338. On first access to Konga, il will ask you the url of kong admin just speficy :
run the following command to start two services A & B
docker-compose -f kong/services.yml up -d
To test if the service is up, go to konga (http://localhost:1338) and add a new service which named myService, and in the field Url, specify : http://serviceA/. Save the input, then click on the freshly created service, go to routes, and add the following route :
name: my_service
paths: /my_service (don't forget to press enter to add the path)
Then save the new route and you are ready to test on http://localhost:8000/my_service. If it works, you should see something really similar :
Name: serviceA
Hostname: 353feffe1d87
two services are existing : serviceA & serviceB. Both are containous/whoami which are documented on the official repo.
Now that we have all started the config, we can start the symfony project. You will also need yarn in order to work with the project, but npm should be also enough. If you have changed something on port configurations of kong, duplicate the .env file in the project into a .env.local file and edit it, this file won't be commited.
Install backend dependencies :
docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml exec demo composer install
Then install the default kong config :
docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml exec demo bin/console install
Initialize the database :
docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml exec demo bin/console doctrine:schema:update -f
install command creates 2 services in kong : serviceA and serviceB which should be accessible through localhost:8000/service_a and localhost:8000/service_b
Install the front dependencies:
Run the following commands to start the frontend on dev-server :
yarn dev-server
once yarn is running and build is successful, you can use the project on port 8002 (http://localhost:8002).
Reset the stack and return to all backend dependencies installed and database initialized.
docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml -f kong/services.yml down -v \
&& docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml -f kong/services.yml up -d --force-recreate\
&& docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml exec demo composer install\
&& docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml exec demo bin/console d:d:d --force\
&& docker-compose -f kong/docker-compose.yml exec demo bin/console d:s:u -f