
Primary LanguageShell

Mophper - the PHP pimped CLI

Add automatically some useful functions in PHP anywhere.


To do this, you will need composer.

Clone this project and go into the folder. then run


It will make an alias of you php command to the php.sh folder.

Reload your shell (reopen your terminal or run $SHELL)

you can now try if it works simply by running php -a and in interractive shell run dump(["hello"=>"world"]);.


Using everyday's function dd is awesome, but I have to integrate it on every projects I want, even if I just want to test a single php file :(. So now I can use it everywhere ! without having to add symfony/var-dumper in my projects or even adding composer for some algorithmic problems I have to solve sometimes.

Special Thanks

Thanks to @lyrixx for showing this solution