
Typescript example for Firebase Cloud Messaging

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Netlify Status

Typescript example for Firebase Cloud Messaging

The following assumes an existing knowledge of NodeJS and Firebase development.

Environment Setup

  1. You will need to create a .env or .env.local (this is preferred, as to keep any sensitive credentials out of your repository) file with the following variables.

    # .env.local
    # Follow the instructions here to obtain your Firebase config https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup
    FIREBASE_API_KEY=your value here
    FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=your value here
    FIREBASE_APP_ID=your value here
    FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID=your value here
    # To get your VAPID key, follow the instructions here https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/js/client
    PUBLIC_VAPID_KEY=your value here
  2. Allow Chrome to use insecure certificates for localhost chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost


Run yarn dev to start the local development server powered by ParcelJS. You will be asked for permission to receive notifications, after accepting, the textarea will be populated with your FCM token which you can use to send tests using the Firebase Console.