Slack Desktop app behind a SOCK proxy on macOS
Originally posted at
Are you behind a company network (or VPN) that restricts access to Slack? Or does the company force you to install a custom root certificate in order for you to log into a certain Slack team using SSO? Here's a solution for you.. First of all, you need a server that is outside of the restricted company network. Create a SOCK proxy to that server using SSH and keep the connection open:
ssh -D 8000 [username]@[server]
- Go to System Preferences
- Select your network interface (most probably WIFI or Wired connection)
- Click on Advanced..
- Click on Proxies tab
- Select and check off Automatic Proxy Configuration
- Paste in this URL: (you can see the content of the file below)
- Hit OK and Apply the changes
Applying proxy.pac configuration file hosted on Github on macOS Note: The proxy.pac file must be served from http[s]. Local files don't work on recent macOS systems, since file:// URLs are sandboxed. Use Github :)
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(host, "*")) {
// Use SOCK proxy,
// or fall back to a DIRECT traffic.
// ssh -D 8000 [user]@[server]
return "SOCKS; DIRECT";
return "DIRECT";
Here you go. Slack is working again. Enjoy!