Virtualization CSI Driver

This repository hosts the Virtualization CSI driver and all of its build and dependent configuration files to deploy the driver.

This CSI driver is made for a guest cluster deployed on top of deckhouse virtual machines, and enables it to get its persistent data from the underlying, host cluster. To avoid confusion, this CSI driver is deployed on the guest cluster, and does not require deckhouse installation at all.

The term "guest cluster" refers to the k8s cluster installed on deckhouse virtual machines, and "host cluster" refers to a cluster with deckhouse installed.

// TODO design image.


  • Kubernetes host cluster
    • kubectl
    • jq
  • Kubernetes guest cluster
    • helm


In host cluster

  1. Modify deploy/host/kustomization.yaml by setting the namespace according to the virtual machines on which the guest cluster is deployed:
namespace: default
- rbac.yaml
  1. Create service account with roles required for Virtualization CSI Driver:
kubectl apply -k deploy/host/
  1. Create base64 of host cluster kubeconfig for the CSI service account: pass the cluster server value using the internal ip (from kubectl get endpoints kubernetes):
# ! Change SERVER_WITH_INTERNAL_IP value below ! 
curl -s | bash /dev/stdin --server $SERVER_WITH_INTERNAL_IP

In guest cluster

  1. Create values.yaml file in deploy/guest/values.yaml directory with the following parameters:
    # namespace of deckhouse virtual machines in host cluster
    virtualMachineNamespace: default
    # base64 of host cluster kubeconfig for the CSI service account
    kubeconfig: XXXX=
    # namespace of csi driver in guest cluster
    csiDriverNamespace: default
  1. Install Virtualization CSI Driver to guest cluster in the root of the repo:
helm install csi deploy/guest/


Examples of pvc are represented in examples directory.


Deckhouse Virtualization doesn't have ability to hotplug one disk to several virtual machines. Thus, PVCs with access mode ReadWriteMany or ReadOnlyMany currently aren't supported by Virtualization CSI Driver.

Useful tasks

  • push — build csi driver and push to
  • lint — run linters