This package is a wrapper around the VoteSmart API written by your friendly neighborhood progressive tech organization, 🌟 Deck Technologies 🌟. Feel free to use this package in any way you like.
VoteSmart provides information on US political candidates’ positions on issues, votes on bills, and ratings by third party organizations, among other data.
Or the development version:
devtools::install_github("decktools/votesmart", build_vignettes = TRUE)
You’ll need a VoteSmart API key in order to use this package. You can register for one here.
Store your key in an environment variable named VOTESMART_API_KEY
Sys.setenv(VOTESMART_API_KEY = "<your_key>")
You can check that it’s there with
This package never stores your key in your R session’s global environment.
VoteSmart collects ratings on various issues that Special Interest Groups (SIGs) give to political candidates.
Let’s say we want to know how Elizabeth Warren tends to be rated on a few issues.
conflicted::conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
#> [conflicted] Will prefer dplyr::filter over any other package.
We’ll first want to know what her VoteSmart candidate_id
is. We can
search for her using candidates_get_by_lastname
warrens <-
election_years = 2012
#> Requesting data for {last_name: warren, election_year: 2012, stage_id: }.
candidate_id | first_name | nick_name | middle_name | last_name | suffix | title | ballot_name | stage_id | election_year | preferred_name | election_parties | election_status | election_stage | election_district_id | election_district_name | election_office | election_office_id | election_state_id | election_office_type_id | election_special | election_date | office_parties | office_status | office_district_id | office_district_name | office_state_id | office_id | office_name | office_type_id | running_mate_id | running_mate_name |
139104 | Adam | NA | Lee | Warren | NA | NA | Adam Lee Warren | 2012 | Adam | Republican | Lost | Primary | NA | NA | Attorney General | 12 | MO | S | FALSE | 08/07/2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
103860 | Dennis | NA | NA | Warren | NA | NA | Dennis C. Warren | 2012 | Dennis | Republican | Withdrawn | General | 28446 | 16 | State Senate | 9 | ID | L | FALSE | 11/06/2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
141272 | Elizabeth | NA | Ann | Warren | NA | Senator | Elizabeth A. Warren | 2012 | Elizabeth | Democratic | Won | General | NA | NA | U.S. Senate | 6 | MA | C | FALSE | 11/06/2012 | Democratic | active | 20512 | Sr | MA | 6 | U.S. Senate | C | NA | NA | |
117839 | Harry | NA | Joseph | Warren | NA | Representative | Harry Warren | 2012 | Harry | Republican | Won | General | 25520 | 77 | State House | 8 | NC | L | FALSE | 11/06/2012 | Republican | active | 25519 | 76 | NC | 8 | State House | L | NA | NA | |
138202 | Pete | NA | NA | Warren | NA | NA | Pete Warren | 2012 | Pete | Republican | Removed | Primary | 21842 | 30 | State House | 8 | FL | L | FALSE | 08/14/2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
137066 | Stephen | NA | NA | Warren | NA | NA | Stephen Warren | 2012 | Stephen | Republican | Lost | Primary | 27865 | 22B | State House | 8 | ID | L | FALSE | 05/15/2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
135832 | Tom | NA | NA | Warren | NA | NA | Tom Warren | 2012 | Tom | Democratic | Lost | General | 25782 | 76 | State House | 8 | OH | L | FALSE | 11/06/2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
139311 | Wesley | NA | G. | Warren | NA | NA | Wesley G. Warren | 2012 | Wesley | Republican | Lost | General | 21874 | 62 | State House | 8 | FL | L | FALSE | 11/06/2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Filtering to her first name and taking her candidate_id
, we can now
grab Warren’s ratings by all SIGs with rating_get_candidate_ratings
(id <-
warrens %>%
filter(first_name == "Elizabeth") %>%
#> [1] "141272"
ratings <-
candidate_ids = id,
#> Requesting data for {candidate_id: 141272, sig_id: }.
knitr::kable(ratings %>% sample_n(3))
rating_id | candidate_id | sig_id | rating | rating_name | timespan | rating_text | category_id_1 | category_name_1 | category_id_2 | category_name_2 | category_id_3 | category_name_3 | category_id_4 | category_name_4 | category_id_5 | category_name_5 | category_id_6 | category_name_6 | category_id_7 | category_name_7 | category_id_8 | category_name_8 | category_id_9 | category_name_9 |
8615 | 141272 | 1161 | 100 | Positions | 2014 | Senator Elizabeth Warren supported the interests of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) 100 percent in 2014. | 43 | Labor Unions | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
10219 | 141272 | 2412 | 18 | Lifetime Positions | 2016 | Senator Elizabeth Warren supported the interests of the Conservative Review 18 percent in 2016. | 17 | Conservative | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
9705 | 141272 | 1985 | 1 | Positions | 2017-2018 | Senator Elizabeth Warren supported the interests of the NumbersUSA 1 percent in 2017-2018. | 40 | Immigration | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
And compute on them:
ratings %>%
category_name_1 %in%
"Fiscally Conservative",
"Civil Liberties and Civil Rights",
"Campaign Finance"
) %>%
group_by(category_name_1) %>%
avg_rating = mean(as.numeric(rating), na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#> category_name_1 avg_rating
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Campaign Finance 100
#> 2 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 86.6
#> 3 Education 89.3
#> 4 Environment 87.2
#> 5 Fiscally Conservative 8.78
For more in-depth examples of how these all fit together, check out the vignette with:
These functions are named after the snake_case
d version of the API
If you see an endpoint you want to be made available in this package that isn’t yet, feel free to submit an issue or a pull request!
Get a dataframe of candidates given a vector of last_name
s (optional, defaulting to current year), and stage_id
Get a dataframe of fuzzy-matched candidates given a vector of
s, election_year
s (optional), and stage_id
s (optional)
Get a dataframe of candidates by the state in which they ran for office
given a vector of state_id
s (optional), office_id
s, and
s (optional)
Get a dataframe of election ids and their attributes given a vector of
s and state_id
s (optional)
Get a dataframe of ballot measure attributes given a measure_id
Get a dataframe of ballot measure ids and their attributes given a
vector of year
s and state_id
s (optional)
Get the VoteSmart office_level_id
s and their associated names
(federal, state, local)
Get office_id
s and their associated names (e.g. "President"
) for a
given office_level_id
Get SIG (Special Interest Group) ratings for candidates given a
and a sig_id
Get rating category_id
s and their associated name
(e.g. "Abortion"
, "Environment"
) given a vector of state_id
Get information about a vector of SIGs (Special Interest Groups) given a
Get a dataframe of SIG (Special Interest Group) given a rating
and a state_id
Get a dataframe of the way officials have voted on bills given a
, an office_id
(optional), a category_id
and a year
the vote occurred (optional)
Only a subset of all of the VoteSmart endpoints have yet been made available through this package.
You can see a full dataframe of the VoteSmart endpoints and their associated arguments with
This package currently contains no rate limiting infrastructure as there is very little information about what rate limits VoteSmart imposes, if any
The VoteSmart API does not allow for bulk requests, i.e. a single request can only contain one value for each parameter
- The functions in this package allow multiple inputs to be specified for each argument, but requests are sent one at a time for each combination of inputs
Feel free to reach out in the Issues with any bugs or feature requests! 💫