
Mime type detection tools for PHP

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Mime type detection tools for PHP

Use typify to identify and apply mime types information to your files and responses.

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composer require decodelabs/typify



Typify uses Veneer to provide a unified frontage under DecodeLabs\Typify. You can access all the primary functionality via this static frontage without compromising testing and dependency injection.

Detecting types

Detect a mime type for a file path:

use DecodeLabs\Typify;

echo Typify::detect(__FILE__);
// application/x-php

Get known extensions for a type:

use DecodeLabs\Typify;

$exts = Typify::getExtensionsFor('text/plain');
// txt, text, conf, def, list, log, in

Suggest an extension for a mime type:

use DecodeLabs\Typify;

echo Typify::getExtensionFor('text/plain');
// txt


Typify is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.