A Julia package for Ray Theory Inversion (RTI). This package contains the forward solver and adjoint solver for the eikonal eqution. With both simulations, the update direction of the velocity (gradient) can be obtained. The optimization methods can be chosen, such as gradient descent, conjugate gradient and LBFGS.
The target of this package is to create an easy-to-use package for travel time inversion.
Some of the highlights are:
- Shots are parallelized.
- The solvers are based on the fast-sweeping method.
- No Frechet derivatives are explicitly constructed. It is suitable for big data.
In an IDE with Julia installed (e.g., Atom), one can install this package by
julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> add https://github.com/deconvolution/RTI
You can test whether it works on your system with
julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> test RTI
and use it with
julia> using RTI
See documentation.