
A standalone libp2p circuit relay daemon providing relay service for versions v1 and v2 of the protocol.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A standalone daemon that provides libp2p circuit relay services, for both protocol versions v1 and v2.


To install the latest release:

go install github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-relay-daemon/cmd/libp2p-relay-daemon@latest

The above will install libp2p-relay-daemon binary in GOBIN which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH is not set.


To build from local sources:

git clone git@github.com:libp2/go-libp2p-relay-daemon.git
cd go-libp2p-relay-daemon
go install ./...

Running as a systemd service

There is a service file and an associated launch script in etc. These two assume that you have installed as root [in your container]. If your installation path differs, adjust accordingly.


The daemon creates and persists an identity in the first run, using identity as the file to store the private key for the identity. You can specify the identity file path with the -identity option.


libp2p-relay-daemon accepts a -config option that specifies its configuration; if omitted it will use the defaults from cmd/libp2p-relay-daemon/config.go. Any field omitted from the configuration will retain its default value.

Minimal config file

Below JSON config ensures only the circuit relay v2 is provided on custom ports:

  "RelayV2": {
    "Enabled": true
  "RelayV1": {
    "Enabled": false
  "Network": {
    "ListenAddrs": [
  "Daemon": {
    "PprofPort": 6061

All configuration options

The configuration struct is as following (with defaults noted):

// libp2p-relay-daemon Configuration
type Config struct {
    Network NetworkConfig
    ConnMgr ConnMgrConfig
    RelayV1 RelayV1Config
    RelayV2 RelayV2Config
    ACL     ACLConfig
    Daemon  DaemonConfig

// General daemon options
type DaemonConfig struct {
    // pprof port; default is 6060 (-1 disables pprof)
    PprofPort int

// Networking configuration
type NetworkConfig struct {
    // Addresses to listen on, as multiaddrs.
    // Default:
    //  [
    //    "/ip4/",
    //    "/ip6/::/udp/4001/quic",
    //    "/ip4/",
    //    "/ip6/::/tcp/4001",
    //  ]
    ListenAddrs   []string

    // Address to announce to the network, as multiaddrs.
    // Default is empty, which announces all public listen addresses to the network.
    AnnounceAddrs []string

// Connection Manager configuration
type ConnMgrConfig struct {
    // Connection low water mark; default is 512
    ConnMgrLo    int

    // Connection high water mark; default is 768
    ConnMgrHi    int

    // Connection grace period; default is 2 minutes
    ConnMgrGrace time.Duration

// Circuit Relay v1 support
type RelayV1Config struct {
    // Whether to enable v1 relay; default is false
    Enabled   bool

    // relayv1 resource limits; see below
    Resources relayv1.Resources

// Circuit Relay v2 support
type RelayV2Config struct {
    // whther to enable v2 relay; default is true
    Enabled   bool

    // relayv2 resource limits; see below
    Resources relayv2.Resources

// Access Control Lists
type ACLConfig struct {
    // List of peer IDs to allow reservations (v2) or hops to (v1).
    // If empty, then the relay is open and will allow reservations/relaying for any peer.
    // Default is empty.
    AllowPeers   []string

    // List of (CIDR) subnets to allow reservations (v2) or hops to (v1).
    // If empty, then the relay is open and will allow reservations/relaying for any network.
    // Default is empty
    AllowSubnets []string

Relay v1 Resource Limits

// Rsources are the resource limits associated with the v1 relay service
type Resources struct {
    // MaxCircuits is the maximum number of active relay connections.
    // Default is 1024.
    MaxCircuits int

    // MaxCircuitsPerPeer is the maximum number of active relay connections per peer
    // Default is 64.
    MaxCircuitsPerPeer int

    // BufferSize is the buffer size for relaying in each direction.
    // Default is 4096
    BufferSize int

Relay v2 Resource Limits

// Resources are the resource limits associated with the v2 relay service.
type Resources struct {
    // Limit is the (optional) relayed connection limits.
    Limit *RelayLimit

    // ReservationTTL is the duration of a new (or refreshed reservation).
    // Defaults to 1hr.
    ReservationTTL time.Duration

    // MaxReservations is the maximum number of active relay slots; defaults to 128.
    MaxReservations int

    // MaxCircuits is the maximum number of open relay connections for each peer; defaults to 16.
    MaxCircuits int

    // BufferSize is the size of the relayed connection buffers; defaults to 2048.
    BufferSize int

    // MaxReservationsPerPeer is the maximum number of reservations originating from the same
    // peer; default is 4.
    MaxReservationsPerPeer int

    // MaxReservationsPerIP is the maximum number of reservations originating from the same
    // IP address; default is 8.
    MaxReservationsPerIP int

    // MaxReservationsPerASN is the maximum number of reservations origination from the same
    // ASN; default is 32
    MaxReservationsPerASN int

// RelayLimit are the per relayed connection resource limits.
type RelayLimit struct {
    // Duration is the time limit before resetting a relayed connection; defaults to 2min.
    Duration time.Duration

    // Data is the limit of data relayed (on each direction) before resetting the connection.
    // Defaults to 128KB
    Data int64


© vyzo; MIT License.