
Try Pyright in your browser

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

💀 Deprecation notice

There is now an official Pyright Playground: https://pyright-play.net/

Use that instead!

Pyright playground

Small website that lets you play around with pyright -- a type checker for Python -- online.

I started this yesterday as of writing this, so it's really basic.

See it in action here: Pyright playground


Using a source

You can share a code snippet inside the playground. We currently support loading code from a GitHub issue, from a Gist and directly from a string.

GitHub issue

In this mode, the playground will load the first Python code block (enclosed within ```py ... ```) in an issue

Example: https://pyright-playground.decorator-factory.su/?issue=microsoft/pyright/2662


In this mode, the playground will load a file from a GitHub Gist.

Example: https://pyright-playground.decorator-factory.su/?gist_id=b00b00716dbc9b2115693a1ac8c7db54&filename=example.py

This will render this gist: https://gist.github.com/decorator-factory/b00b00716dbc9b2115693a1ac8c7db54

Directly from a string

You can provide a string compressed with gzip, encoded in url-safe base64 (base64.urlsafe_b64encode in Python)

Example: https://pyright-playground.decorator-factory.su/?gzip=H4sIAPHOr2EC_zXHPQqAMAwG0D2n-OjUgl6goKcI7oKNdOgPMUJ7eyff9kRbgc2e641celMDz56OU4kY2x_v2AWiKwnEWwQvGBG5WsC64zGNBGiyVyvGBxBan4hUAAAA


  • FEATURE: Python version picker
  • FEATURE: Pyright version picker
  • FEATURE: add general Pyright configuration
  • FEATURE: see if it's possible to display tooltips on hover?
  • FEATURE: save snippet to a gist/custom pastebin, like in mypy-play.net
  • BUG: fix newline display in tooltips
  • BUG: fix squiggly lines not showing up if the error is at the end of the file


This project is not run by Microsoft or the Pyright team