Sugarchain's first node software is called Yumekawa (夢川)
. It can be translated in some ways.
- "Yume (夢)" means dream and "Kawa (川)" means river. So its
Dream River
in japanese. - The second letter "Kawa" stands for "Kawaii (可愛い)". In this case the meaning is
Dreamy Cute
. - Also Yumekawa is replaces the word
(ie: Bitcoin Core). We think it sounds a bit centralized.
Sugarchain Yumekawa is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see
- Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
- Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
- Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Alexander Peslyak - Yespower 1.0.1
- Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Zcash developers - DigiShieldZEC
- Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Sugarchain Yumekawa developers
- CPU: 1 Core
- RAM: 1024 MB (at least 2048 MB swap)
- DISK: 3 GB
Exactly the same as dependencies of Bitcoin Core v0.16.3
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y \
software-properties-common libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev \
build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config \
libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-all-dev \
libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a \
libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev \
protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev help2man
- Make
git clone && \
cd sugarchain && \
./ && \
./configure && \
make -j$(nproc) && \
make check -j$(nproc)
- (optional) Reduce binary size using strip (about 90% file size reduction)
strip ./src/sugarchain-cli && \
strip ./src/sugarchaind && \
strip ./src/qt/sugarchain-qt && \
strip ./src/sugarchain-tx && \
strip ./src/test/test_sugarchain
- (optional) After bump version on
, update binary docs (manpages) using help2man.1
make -j$(nproc) && ./contrib/devtools/
(optional) build for Windows and OSX you may need
option with make. -
(optional) Add seeds/nodes from DNSSEED
All Sugarchain Yumekawa developers should execute this unit test. Some updates may break these tests in some occasions.
- Test All
./src/test/test_sugarchain test_bitcoin --log_level=test_suite
- (optional) Test Partially: ie
./src/test/test_sugarchain test_bitcoin --log_level=test_suite --run_test=blockencodings_tests
- (optional) Test QT (GUI)
The options -rpcuser
, -rpcpassword
, and -printtoconsole
are optional. server=1
needed by RPC servers or cpuminer when solo-mining.
Mainnet: debug mode:
for PoW./src/qt/sugarchain-qt -server=1 -rpcuser=rpcuser -rpcpassword=rpcpassword -debug=pow -printtoconsole
Mainnet: debug mode:
for Network./src/qt/sugarchain-qt -server=1 -rpcuser=rpcuser -rpcpassword=rpcpassword -debug=net -printtoconsole
./src/qt/sugarchain-qt -testnet
./src/qt/sugarchain-qt -regtest
- Mainnet:
for counting blocks./src/sugarchain-cli -rpcuser=rpcuser -rpcpassword=rpcpassword getblockcount
- Transaction too large:
- This is a part of BTC.
- It will be fixed in next Schnorr Signature update.
- Slow update balance on wallet:
- Update total balance every minute (12 blocks) interval.
- This slow is a part of BTC.
- This fix is a (nice) workaround for now. source
- Poor performance on ARM CPUs (32/64-Bit):
- ARM optimization for Yespower disabled for now.
- Poor performance on 32-Bit OS:
- SSE2 for Yespower disabled for now. source
- Please use 64-bit for best performance.
- All Sugarchain Yumekawa developers should do following GITIAN release process. It's the safest way to distribute binaries to people.
- Please use GITIAN release with checking PGP signature, or compile it yourself on your own machine.