
Ansible role - Fluentd (td-agent)

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Fluentd


An Ansible Role that installs Fluentd on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu. This role installs td-agent, which is a standalone version that doesn't require Ruby to be installed on the system separately. See differences between td-agent and Fluentd here.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

fluentd_version: 3

The td-agent version to install. See more details about the differences between v2, v3, and v4.

fluentd_package_state: present

The td-agent Fluentd package state; set to latest to upgrade or change versions.

fluentd_service_name: td-agent
fluentd_service_state: started
fluentd_service_enabled: true

Controls the Fluentd service options.

  - fluent-plugin-elasticsearch

# Alternative format:
  - name: fluent-plugin-elasticsearch
    version: '4.0.6'
    state: present

A list of Fluentd configuration to install.

fluentd_conf_sources: |
  [see defaults/main.yml for default content]

fluentd_conf_filters: |
  [see defaults/main.yml for default content]

fluentd_conf_matches: |
  [see defaults/main.yml for default content]

fluentd_conf_system: |
  [see defaults/main.yml for default content]

The configuration which will be placed into the td-agent.conf file which controls how Fluentd listens for, filters, and routes log data. The defaults set up some basic options which can direct data to Treasure Data, but you should override these values with what's appropriate for your logs.

For example, if you want to monitor an Apache HTTP server's access log, you would add a source:

fluentd_conf_sources: |
    @type tail
    @id input_tail
      @type apache2
    path /var/log/httpd-access.log
    tag apache.access

And then you could route apache log entries to Elasticsearch using:

fluentd_conf_matches: |
  <match apache.**>
    @type elasticsearch
    host log.example.com
    port 9200
    user myuser
    password mypassword
    logstash_format true

Note that Elasticsearch would require the Fluentd plugin fluent-plugin-elasticsearch to be installed.



Example Playbook

- hosts: search

    fluentd_conf_sources: |
        @type tail
        @id input_tail
          @type apache2
        path /var/log/httpd-access.log
        tag apache.access

    - geerlingguy.fluentd



Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.