This is my solutions for the codility lessons and challenges written in Go together with some test cases.
I've added a checklist to mark finished exercises feel free to comment.
- Binary Gap
- OddOccurrencesInArray
- CyclicRotation
Time Complexity
- PermMissingElem
- FrogJmp
- TapeEquilibrium
Counting Elements
- PermCheck
- FrogRiverOne
- MissingInteger
- MaxCounters
Prefix Sums
- CountDiv
- PassingCars
- GenomicRangeQuery
- MinAvgTwoSlice
- Distinct
- Triangle
- MaxProductOfThree
- NumberOfDiscIntersections
Stacks and Queues
- Brackets
- Fish
- Nesting
- StoneWall
- EquiLeader
- Dominator
Maximum slice
- MaxProfit
- MaxDoubleSliceSum
- MaxSliceSum
Prime and composite numbers
- MinPerimeterRectangle
- CountFactors
- Peaks
- Flags