
ASIC design environment. EDA flow script templates, common Vim/shell/Git cmds, all in one.

Digital IC design environment

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc



  1. signal trace: put signal into search box(Ctrl + f) -> upper layer -> search
  2. search specific module: source -> find scope
  3. clean trace results: right click -> delete all
  4. find instantiation location: double click the module
  5. view import log in full screen: File -> View Import Log
  6. common setting:
    • Font: General -> Font and Size
    • Editor: Editor -> Other
    • Code Folding: Source Code -> Code Folding
    • Code Trace: Trace -> General -> Trace View -> Show Top Level Ports
  7. nWave hot keys:
    • b(begin): move cursor to waveform start
    • e(end): move cursor to waveform end
    • z(zoom out): zoom out the waveform
    • Z(zoom in): zoom in the waveform
    • Ctrl + Right Arrow: move right for half screen
    • Ctrl + Left Arrow: move left for half screen
    • c(color): change the color, width and type of the waveform
    • f(full): full waveform
    • x: show signal value at cursor
    • g(get): get signal to show its waveform
    • l(last): last view of the waveform
    • m(marker): add marker
    • y: keep cursor at center, again to cancel
    • s: make cursor alignned to signal edge
    • count pulse number: select range -> View -> Signal Event Report
    • h(hierarchy):show signal hierarchy
    • double click: locate signal in RTL


  1. start and load project: xrun -f $PROJ_DIR/proj.vc -access +rwc -gui&
  2. improve font size: cp ${XCEILIUM_ROOT}/share/cdssetup/simvision/app-defaults/share/cdssetup/simvision/app-defaults/SimVision ~/.simvision/Xdefaults and vim ~/.simvision/Xdefaults
  3. save the signal list in Waveform window: File -> Save Command Script and Source Command Script
  4. reload design in Waveform window: Simulation -> Reinvoke Simulator
  5. zoom in/out waveform: Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up/Down
  6. shift waveform: left/right arrow
  7. center cursor: Alt + c


  1. generate template script for synthesis flow: write_template -simple -outfile tempname
  2. run genus:
rm -rf genus* outputs* reports* fv
genus -files stdp_syn_flow.tcl -abort_on_error&
  1. fail and stop when issuing Errors: set_db / .fail_on_error_mesg true


  1. generate template script for implementation flow: write_flow_template
  2. fit, see the outline of the layout: f
  3. zoom in selected area: mouse right click –> hold –> drag –> release
  4. undo last operation: undo

DC-Based Synthesis Flow

  1. design_syn_flow.tcl:
#--------------------------Specify Libraries--------------------------
set mem_link_library "$MEM_LINK_PATH/T22SRF2HD256X16M2K2H_ssgwct0p81vn40c.db"
set target_library "$TAR_PATH/tcbn22ulpbwp7t30p140ssg0p81v125c_ccs.db"
set link_library "* $target_library $mem_link_library"
#set search_path "$TAR_PATH $MEM_LINK_PATH"

#--------------------------Prepare Filelist---------------------------
set FILE_LIST ""
set f [open "./spread.fl" r]
while {![eof $f]} {
    gets $f line
    append FILE_LIST "$line "
close $f

#--------------------------Read Designs------------------------------
set TOP design_top
analyze -format sverilog $FILE_LIST
elaborate $TOP

#------------------------Set Current Design--------------------------
#current_design $TOP(auto)

#--------------------------Link Designs------------------------------

source design_sdc.tcl

#--------------------Map and Optimize the Design---------------------
compile_ultra -no_autoungroup -incremental

#---------------Check the Synthesized Design for Consistency---------
check_design -summary > ./check_design.rpt

#---------------------Report Timing and Area-------------------------
report_timing > ./timing.rpt
report_area -hierarchy > ./area.rpt

#----------------------Save Design Database--------------------------
change_names -rules sverilog -hierarchy
write_file -format verilog -hierarchy -output design_netlist.v
write_sdc design_sdc_post_syn
  1. design_sdc.tcl:
#==================================Env Vars===================================
# time unit is ps for GF22nm technology
set TIME_UNIT 1 
set CYCLE1000G  [expr 1 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE500G   [expr 2 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE200G   [expr 5 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE8G     [expr 125 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE4G     [expr 250 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE2G     [expr 500 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE1G     [expr 1000 * $TIME_UNIT]
set CYCLE500M   [expr 2000 * $TIME_UNIT]

#==================================Design Env=================================

#------------------------------Operating Conditions---------------------------
# GUIDANCE: the worst case: P(1), V(LOW), T(HIGH) for stricter constraint.
# set_operating_conditions -max ssg0p81v125c(default)

#-------------------------System Interface Characteristics--------------------
# for clocks, set infinite drive strength to avoid automatic buffer insertion
set_drive 0 [get_ports [list clk]]

# 1/resistance as drive, proportional to cell size
# should be small enough
set_driving_cell -lib_cell SC8T_AN2X0P5_CSC20R [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [all_clocks]]
# set_input_transition 0.2 [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [all_clocks]]

# capacitance as load, proportional to cell size
# should be large enough
# D pin cap of SDFF SC8T_SDFFX1_CSC20R in GF22FDX
set_load -pin_load 0.48356 [all_outputs]
# set_fanout_load 4 [all_outputs]

#---------------------------------Wire Load Model-----------------------------
# GUIDANCE: WLM selection does not matter, it is not accurate.
# set auto_wire_load_selection true(default)

#==================================Design Rule Constr=========================
# GUIDANCE: use the default
# set_max_transition  0.25 [current_design]
# set_max_fanout      32   [current_design]
# set_max_capacitance 0.5  [current_design]

#==============================Design Optimiz Constr=========================
#--------------------------------Clock Definition------------------------------
create_clock -name clk0 -period $CYCLE200M [get_ports clk0]
create_clock -name clk1 -period $CYCLE8M [get_ports clk1]

# jitter + skew
# shoud only include jitter after CTS
set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.1*$CYCLE500M [all_clocks]
set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.05*$CYCLE500M [all_clocks]

# should be removed after CTS
set_clock_transition 0.01*$CYCLE500M [all_clocks]

#--------------------------------I/O Constraint-----------------------------
# rst_ports
set rst_inputs [get_ports [list \
    rst0 \
    rst1 \
set_ideal_network $rst_inputs

# ports in clk0 domain
set clk0_ports [get_ports [list \
    clk0_port0 \
    clk0_port1 \

set clk0_inputs [get_ports $clk0_ports -filter "port_direction == in"]
set clk0_outputs [get_ports $clk0_ports -filter "port_direction == out"]

set_input_delay -max [expr $CYCLE200M * 0.6] -clock [get_clocks clk0] $clk0_inputs -add_delay
set_output_delay -max [expr $CYCLE200M * 0.3] -clock [get_clocks clk0] $clk0_outputs -add_delay

#---------------------------------Timing Exceptions-----------------------------
set false_ports [get_ports [list \
    false_port0 \
    false_port1 \
set false_inputs [get_ports $false_ports -filter "port_direction == in"]
set false_outputs [get_ports $false_ports -filter "port_direction == out"]

set_false_path -from [get_ports $false_inputs]
set_false_path -to [get_ports $false_outputs]

Innovus-Based Implementation Flow

# 1. Design Initialization
# 1.1 File -> Import Design -> Load -> OK

source ./inputs/stdp.globals
set init_design_uniquify 1 
setDesignMode -process 22

setPreference CmdLogMode 2
setMultiCpuUsage -localCpu 16 -cpuPerRemoteHost 8 -remoteHost 0 -keepLicense true

# 1.2 File -> Save/Restore Design
saveDesign stdp.enc
saveDesign stdp.enc -timingGraph
restoreDesign stdp.enc.dat stdp

# 2. Floorplan
# 2.1 Floorplan > Specify Floorplan > Advanced
# left bottom right top
floorPlan -site SC8T_104CPP_CMOS22FDX -r 0.812772133527 0.696316 10 10 10 10
# saveFPlan inputs/stdp.fp
# loadFPlan inputs/stdp.fp

# 3. Pin Assignment
# 3.1 Edit -> Pin Editor
    # - De-select "Group Bus"
    # - Location -> Spread -> From Center -> Spacing

# saveIOfile inputs/stdp.io
# loadIoFile inputs/stdp.io

# 4. Power Plan
# 4.1 Power -> Connect Global Nets
    # - Apply All

globalNetConnect VDD -type pgpin -autoTie -pin VDD -all -override -verbose
globalNetConnect VSS -type pgpin -autoTie -pin VSS -all -override -verbose

# 4.2 Power -> Power Planning -> Add Ring
    # - Spacing is dependent on Width. 
    # - Plan power ring in highest metal layers for low resistance.
    # - Center in channel

addRing -nets {VDD VSS} -layer {top LB bottom LB left QB right QB} -width 2 -spacing 2 -center 1

# Optional: Additional connections from power rings to power/ground rails in the core.
# 4.3 Power -> Power Planning -> Add Stripes
    # - "Width" and "Spacing" similar to power ring
    # - Use "Start" and "Stop" for easier stripe location

addStripe -nets {VDD VSS} -layer QB -direction vertical -width 2 -spacing 2 -number_of_sets 1 -start_from left -start_offset 5 -stop_offset 0

# VDD/VSS wires between rings and core power rails
# 4.4 Route -> Special Route
setSrouteMode -viaConnectToShape {ring}
sroute -nets {VDD VSS} -connect {corePin}

#remove all power preroutes(rings, stripes, rails) from the floor plan 

# 5. Place
# 5.1 Place -> Place Standard Cell
place_design -noprePlaceOpt

# 6. Pre-CTS Timing Analysis and Optimization(Timing Violation Acceptable)
setAnalysisMode -cppr both   
timeDesign -preCTS       -prefix preCTSSetup        -outDir ./timingReports/preCTSSetup
# optDesign  -preCTS -drv
optDesign  -preCTS       -prefix preCTSSetupOpt     -outDir ./timingReports/preCTSSetupOpt
optDesign  -preCTS -incr -prefix preCTSSetupIncrOpt -outDir ./timingReports/preCTSSetupIncrOpt

# unplaceAllInsts

# 7. CTS
# get_ccopt_clock_trees * # myCLK
set_ccopt_property target_max_trans 60 # 60ps
set_ccopt_property target_skew 20 # 20ps

# report_ccopt_clock_trees -file ./outputs/stdp_clock_trees.rpt
# ctd_win

# 8. Post-CTS Timing Analysis and Optimization
set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes -active]
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
set_interactive_constraint_modes {}

# report_clocks
# get_property [all_clocks] is_propagated_clock

setAnalysisMode -cppr both

timeDesign -postCTS       -prefix postCTSSetup -outDir ./timingReports/postCTSSetup
timeDesign -postCTS -hold -prefix postCTSHold  -outDir ./timingReports/postCTSHold

optDesign -postCTS       -prefix postCTSSetupOpt     -outDir ./timingReports/postCTSSetupOpt
optDesign -postCTS -incr -prefix postCTSSetupIncrOpt -outDir ./timingReports/postCTSSetupIncrOpt
optDesign -postCTS -hold -prefix postCTSHoldOpt      -outDir ./timingReports/postCTSHoldOpt

# editDelete -type Regular

# 9. Route
# 9.1 Route -> NanoRoute -> Route
    # - viaOpt & - wireOpt 

routeDesign -globalDetail -viaOpt -wireOpt

# 10. Post-Route Timing Analysis and Optimization
# report_clock_timing -type summary

setAnalysisMode -cppr both -analysisType onChipVariation

timeDesign -postRoute       -prefix postRouteSetup -outDir ./timingReports/postRouteSetup
timeDesign -postRoute -hold -prefix postRouteHold  -outDir ./timingReports/postRouteHold

optDesign -postRoute       -prefix postRouteSetupOpt      -outDir ./timingReports/postRouteSetupOpt 
optDesign -postRoute -incr -prefix postRouteSetupIncrOpt  -outDir ./timingReports/postRouteSetupIncrOpt
optDesign -postRoute -hold -prefix postRouteHoldOpt       -outDir ./timingReports/postRouteHoldOpt

# editDelete -type Regular

# 11. Add Filler
# 11.1 Place > Physical Cell > Add Filler


# 12. Verification
# 12.1 Verify > Verify DRC
    # - Optional if not taped out

# 12.2 Verify > Verify Conectivity 
    # - Regular Only
verifyConnectivity -type regular

# ecoRoute -fix_drc

# 13. PPA
report_timing > timing.rpt
report_area > area.rpt
source spa.tcl
  1. mmmc.view:
# constraint modes
create_constraint_mode -name pre_cts_constr -sdc_files {inputs/stdp_m.sdc}
# create_constraint_mode -name post_cts_constr -sdc_files {inputs/stdp_m_post_cts.sdc}

# delay corner = timing library plus rc corner
# worst-case corner = max delay, affects setup
# best-case corner  = min delay, affects hold

# typical timing library
create_library_set -name tc_lib -timing {/ihp/projects/_COMMON/GF22FDX/22FDX-EXT_IP/GF22FDX_SC8T_104CPP_BASE_CSC20R_FDK_RELV05R50/model/timing/lib/GF22FDX_SC8T_104CPP_BASE_CSC20R_TT_0P50V_0P00V_0P00V_0P00V_25C.lib.gz}

# create RC corner from QRC tech file
create_rc_corner -name rc_corner -qx_tech_file {/ihp/projects/_COMMON/GF22FDX/22FDX-EXT/V1.0_4.1/PEX/QRC/10M_2Mx_5Cx_1Jx_2Qx_LBthick/nominal/qrcTechFile} -T {25}

create_delay_corner -name tc_dc -library_set {tc_lib} -rc_corner {rc_corner}

# analysis view = constraint mode x delay_corner
create_analysis_view -name typ -constraint_mode {pre_cts_constr} -delay_corner {tc_dc} 

# set analysis view to above for both setup and hold
set_analysis_view -setup {typ} -hold {typ}
  1. design.globals:
# Netlist
set design_netlisttype verilog
set init_verilog {inputs/stdp_m.v}
set init_design_set_top 1
set init_top_cell stdp

# Technology/Physical Libraries
set init_lef_file { /ihp/projects/_COMMON/GF22FDX/22FDX-EXT/V1.0_4.1/PlaceRoute/Innovus/Techfiles/10M_2Mx_5Cx_1Jx_2Qx_LB/22FDSOI_10M_2Mx_5Cx_1Jx_2Qx_LB_104cpp_tech.lef \

# Floorplan

# Power
set init_pwr_net {VDD}
set init_gnd_net {VSS}

# Analysis Configuration
set init_mmmc_file {inputs/mmmc.view}

Voltus-Based Dynamic Power Analysis

  1. Normal Power Analysis
set_power_analysis_mode -reset

read_activity_file -reset

set_power_output_dir .

report_power -outfile power.rpt
  1. Static Power Analysis
set_power_analysis_mode -reset
set_power_analysis_mode -analysis_view typ -method static -power_grid_library {
    /ihp/projects/_COMMON/GF22FDX/22FDX-EXT_IP/GF22FDX_SC8T_104CPP_BASE_CSC20R_FDK_RELV05R50/model/power/voltus/TT_0P50V_0P00V_0P00V_0P00V_25C/techonly.cl \

read_activity_file -reset
read_activity_file -format VCD -scope stdp_tb/stdp_u0 -start 0ps -end 1420340ps -block {} ../xm/stdp.vcd

set_power_output_dir .

report_power -outfile spa.rpt
# Generate additional report formats
# report_power -instances {u0} -outfile u0.rpt
# report_power -instances {*} -outfile all.rpt
# report_power -instances {ring} -outfile ring.rpt
  1. Dynamic Power Analysis
set_power_analysis_mode -reset
set_power_analysis_mode -analysis_view typ -method dynamic_vectorbased -disable_static false -write_static_currents true -power_grid_library {
    /ihp/projects/_COMMON/GF22FDX/22FDX-EXT_IP/GF22FDX_SC8T_104CPP_BASE_CSC20R_FDK_RELV05R50/model/power/voltus/TT_0P50V_0P00V_0P00V_0P00V_25C/techonly.cl \

read_activity_file -reset
read_activity_file -format VCD -scope stdp_tb/stdp_u0 -start 0ps -end 1420340ps -block {} ../xm/stdp.vcd

set_power_output_dir ./dynamicPowerResults

set_dynamic_power_simulation -reset

#sim steps around 1000
set_dynamic_power_simulation -period 10ns -resolution 10ps
report_power -outfile spa.rpt


  1. \ps:use original func of cmd ps.
  2. ps | grep simv | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9: clean processes in bulk
  3. ps -ef |grep defunct | awk '{print $2 “ ” $3}' |xargs kill -9: clean zombie processes in bulk
  4. cd -: change into former dir
  5. uname -a: check sys info
  6. lsload(IBM Spectrum LSF): display the current load levels of the cluster
  7. ssh -X xx: switch to server xx
  8. ln -s file filesoft: create soft links
  9. find /demo -name "*.v" | xargs cat | grep -v ^$|wc -l: Count the number of lines in all files ending with ".v" in the demo directory (excluding blank lines)
  10. module av mathwork: check module "mathwork" is available or not
  11. module add xx: load module xx
  12. module li: show loaded modules
  13. acroread、yozo、soffice: open pdf file
  14. ls | grep -v xx | xargs rm -rf:delete all files except xx
  15. Ctrl + z:suspend process, can be recovered using bg or fg in the background or foreground
  16. Ctrl + c:end process
  17. jobs:show suspended process, can be killed further using kill %n
  18. du -sh *: show files' size in cur dir recursively.
  19. grep -r xxx .: search string xxx recursively
  20. firefox xxx.html: open html doc
  21. which: show the full path of (shell) commands
  22. top: display processes(exit with Ctrl + c
  23. “ ”:illegal characters contained in file names should be enclosed in double quotes
  24. !prefix_cmd: run the most recent cmd matched in the .history file
  25. bsub -Is "task"(IBM Spectrum LSF): allocate servers to tasks automatically
  26. bjobs -w(IBM Spectrum LSF): check which server the task is allocated to
  27. module load/unload: switch EDA tool version
  28. ls -R: list files recursively
  29. kill -9: kill process forcibly
  30. find . -type f -ctime -1| xargs ls –l: find files modified within one day
  31. echo $0: show which shell is currently used
  32. lsb_release -a: show the detailed info. of current os
  33. chsh -s /usr/bin/bash: set the login shell as Bash
  34. !*: return the paras of last cmd
  35. printenv: Print all or part of envs
  36. cat /proc/cpuinfo: physical id(no. of physical CPUs), cpu cores(no. of cores per physical CPU), processor(no. of logical CPUs)
  37. Manual Software Installation and Uninstallation:
    • Install
      1. tar -xvzf xxx.tar.gz
      2. cd xxx
      3. ./configure --prefix= tools/xxx
      4. make; make install
    • Uninstall
      1. if installed with non-root account (installed into ~): just remove relevant dirs/files;
      2. if installed with root account:
        1. back into the dir where you ran ./configure and make before, and run make uninstall;
        2. if i doesn't work (Makefile not correctly written), try checkinstall which allows you to build from source code, but have the packages tracked by apt.


  1. :/string\c: case insensitive matching
  2. :/string\C: case sensitive matching
  3. ggVG: select all
  4. =: left alignment
  5. f+char: move the cursor to the next char
  6. F+char: move the cursor to the last char
  7. dw: delete a word from current position
  8. DEL: delete a char
  9. Use a certain row as the prefix of multiple rows: copy the row multiple times and place them with col operation.
  10. y+6400:select 6400 rows
  11. '': back to last position
  12. :r !seq 1 20 or :r !seq 20 -1 1: generate sequence
  13. :20,$d: delete from 20th row to end
  14. c+$: delete from current position to line end
  15. yw: copy a word
  16. .: repeat last operation(usually combined with 17)
  17. cw: change word
  18. ".: back to last modification
  19. V: select multiple lines
  20. CTRL+n: auto completion
  21. noh: cancel highlight
  22. gf: go to file; CTRL+^: go back to last file
  23. CTRL+v: col operation; I+ESC: insert; d+ESC: delete; c+ESC: change
  24. :e: reload file
  25. :/xx or *xx: search xx
  26. \<int\>: full word match
  27. :%s/foo/bar/g(c): global search and replace
  28. 50p: plaste 50 times
  29. yy+p: copy and plaste; dd+p: cut and plaste
  30. :u or u: undo; CTRL+r: redo
  31. :vsp xx.v: col split; CTRL+w+w: switch window
  32. ngg or :n: go to line n; gg: go to head; G: go to end
  33. :2,3> or shift+>+> or v+>+>: indentation; :2,3< or shift+<+< or v+<+<: anti-indentation;
  34. rx: change single letter to x
  35. vimdiff: compare two files file1 and file2

Vim Plugin

  • Source Code: https://github.com/HonkW93/automatic-verilog
  • Handbook: https://automatic-verilog.honk.wang/#/handbook
  • Configuration in .vimrc:
    let g:atv_snippet_project = ''
    let g:atv_snippet_company = 'HP GmbH & University of Potsdam'
    let g:atv_snippet_device = ''
    let g:atv_snippet_author = 'Dedong Zhao'
    let g:atv_snippet_email = 'dedong.zhao@ihp-microelectronics.com'
    let g:atv_snippet_website = ''
    map \ai :call g:AutoInst(0)<ESC> 
    map \ap :call g:AutoPara(0)<ESC>
    map \ad :call g:AutoDef()<ESC>  
    map \aa :call g:AutoArg()<ESC>
    ab ai /*autoinst*/
    ab ap /*autoinstparam*/
    ab ad /*autodef*/
    ab aa /*autoarg*/
    ab als always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin<CR>     if(!rst_n) begin<CR>        end<CR>     else begin<CR>      end<CR> end
    ab alc always @(*) begin<CR>        end
    ab dir //Local Variables:<CR>verilog-library-directories:("." "./aaa/bbb/")<CR>verilog-library-directories-recursive:1<CR>End: 
  • Hot Keys:
    • header comment: \hd
    • comment: \//(normal or visual mode)
    • always: \ac, \as
    • auto instantiation: \ai
    • auto parameter: \ap
    • auto define: \ad
    • auto argument: \aa

Git and SVN


  1. git clone: clone a repo
  2. check in:
    • git pull
    • git status
    • git add/update filename/
    • git commit -m "comment"
    • git push
  3. check out: git checkout filename
  4. git log: show revision history of a file
  5. git diff: show the file changes not committed yet
  6. git tag: show all tags
  7. move tag:
    • git tag -d <tag>
    • git push origin --delete <tag>
    • git tag <tag>
    • git push origin <tag>
  8. gitk: show GUI of Git


  1. svn clone: clone a repo
  2. check in:
    • svn status
    • svn add/update filename
    • svn commit -m "comment"
  3. svn diff: show the file changes not committed yet


File Header Comment

VS Studio

  1. Manage --> User Snippets --> Verilog.jason
  2. Add the following code:
		"prefix": "header",
		"body": [
			"//Institution :    IHP GmbH & University of Potsdam",
			"//Author      :    Dedong Zhao",
			"//Contact     :    dedong.zhao@ihp-microelectronics.com",
			"//Design      :    $TM_FILENAME",
			"//Description :    ",
			"//Comments    :    ",
  1. Type "header" and Enter


  1. File --> Settings --> Editor --> File and Code Templates --> Python Script
  2. Add the following Code:
# Institution : IHP GmbH & University of Potsdam
# Author      : Dedong Zhao
# Contact     : dedong.zhao@ihp-microelectronics.com
# Time        : ${TIME} ${DATE} 
# File        : ${NAME}.py
# Project     : ${PROJECT_NAME}
# Description :
# Comments    :
  1. New file with automatically generated header comment