DePaul Event Planner


  1. Authentication: basic login
  2. Home page will show extra button register event if user logged in is of type Organizer
  3. Viewing specific event
    1. if STUDENT && !alreadyReserved => Reserve option / pop-up config
      1. ELSE => Cancel Reservation option / pop-up config
    2. if FACULTY && ORGANIZER (of event) => Cancel Event option / pop-up config
    3. if FACULTY && !ORGANIZER && alreadyReserved => Cancel Reservation option / pop-up config
      1. ELSE => Reserve option / pop-up config
    4. Depending on above scenarios, a button + pop-up confirmation will be filled out according to condition evaluation
  4. Reserve / Cancel Reservation
  5. Register Event / Cancel Event
  6. Query upcoming events related to user

How to run:

Two Options:

  1. Run main class in IDE
  2. Run mvn clean install && $ java -jar target/depaul-event-planner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

In browser, go to endpoint : localhost:8080

Use credentials below to access application

Startup Credentials

Username Secret
alejandro password
george password
nermin password
faculty password