
API for Nomis DB used by DPS applications and other apis and services

Primary LanguageJava

Prison API server

CircleCI API docs

How do I get set up?

  • If using Intellij, install Lombok

  • The mobile API Server uses the configuration file in YAML format. There is at least one initial configuration packaged in the jar on


    Let's say you want to create a specific configuration to the DEV profile: just copy a file to your configurations.


  • Dependencies To minimise dependency management we use Spring Boot because it gives us a broad set of frameworks with the right version avoiding library conflicts.

  • Build command

    gradlew clean build

  • Database configuration To connect the application to a database, change the configurations in your configuration profile file, for example in mobile-dev.yml.

How to run the Application?

  1. Run uk.gov.justice.hmpps.prison.PrisonApiServer using spring boot profile nomis-hsqldb

  2. Using Gradle directly via command-line (optionally setting the spring profile variable to select the in-memory database)


set JAVA_OPTS=-Dspring.profiles.active=nomis-hsqldb
gradlew bootRun


./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=nomis-hsqldb'

In order to get the /info endpoint to work you will need to add in

-add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
-add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED

to your run configuration. This is because the current version of ehcache needs to calculate the size of the objects in the cache, which the latest version of openjdk disallows.

Authenticating with JWT when running locally

When running locally with the profile dev JWTs are verified against resources/local-public-key.pem. When deployed to t3, t2, preprod or prod, JWTs are verified against the public key hosted by the auth server at https:///auth/.well-known/jwks.json.

Coding Standards

There are a few different styles in this project due to historical reasons and the accumulation of technical debt.

The preferred patterns going forward are:

  • Use Spring Rest Controllers for APIs
  • Use thin controllers and apply business logic in an associated service
  • Use SpringJPA for database access
  • Use TestRestTemplate for integration testing (e.g. extend ResourceTest, do not use Cucumber)
  • Use ControllerAdvice for error handling
  • Do not create interfaces with single implementations

There are some recent examples around PrisonStatusController and OffenderImageRepository and AgencyResourceImplIntTest.


  • /health/ping: will respond {"status":"UP"} to all requests. This should be used by dependent systems to check connectivity to prison api, rather than calling the /health endpoint.
  • /health: provides information about the application health and its dependencies. This should only be used by prison-api health monitoring (e.g. pager duty) and not other systems who wish to find out the state of prison api
  • /info: provides information about the version of deployed application.

Querying a local HSQLDB Database

The feature tests and repository integration tests create and populate a local in-memory HSQLDB called nomis-db. This is by definition transient but it can be very useful to persist this database temporarily in order to execute test queries, examine the data and check your repository queries.

To do this:

  • Alter the file application-nomis-hsqldb.yml to use a file-based url. In this example I created a directory ~/dbs under my home directory first.

spring: datasource: url: jdbc:hsqldb:file:~/dbs/nomis-db;sql.syntax_ora=true;get_column_name=false;shutdown=false;sql.nulls_first=false;sql.nulls_order=false username: sa password: changeme

  • Add a temporary password to the spring datasource (by default its blank) which then does not allow a client connection via the IntelliJ database tools.

  • Run one of the repository integration tests in IntelliJ to create and populate the DB and let it finish and exit. As its now file-based the database remains intact.

  • Within IntelliJ, select the Database tab and add a datasource with the following properties:

DriverType: HSQLDB Connection type: URL only URL: jdbc:hsqldb:file:/<your home dir>/dbs/nomis-db;sql.syntax_ora=true;get_column_name=false;shutdown=false;sql.nulls_first=false;sql.nulls_order=false;hsqldb.lock_file=false User: sa Password: changme

  • Connect, open an SQL editor or browse the tables with the test data present.

  • Important: Close the connection and remove the database files before attempting to re-run any integration or feature tests.

    $ cd ~/dbs $ rm -rf nomis-db*

  • Don't commit these changes!

Environment Variables

Below are the key environment variables that can be set per service:-

SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=<jdbc datasource url>
  1. In a Docker container

Build Docker image and run

./gradlew clean assemble

docker build -t quay.io/hmpps/prison-api .

docker run -d -p 8888:8080             \
       -h prison-api                   \
       --name=prison-api               \

Using Docker compose

docker-compose up -d

Running Feature Tests

All feature tests can be run from uk.gov.justice.hmpps.prison.executablespecification.AllFeatureTest

Tests can be run individually by adding a @wip tag to the top of the feature file, or to an individual feature scenario, and then adding the environment variable cucumber.options=--tags '@wip' to the executable arguments in 'Edit Confgurations'.

To run all feature tests in IntelliJ, avoiding known @wip or @broken tests, add the following env vars into the 'Edit Configurations' tab:-

Env var Value
api.db.target nomis
cucumber.options --tags 'not(@wip or @broken)'

Running with Data Compliance Queues

Prison API is currently being used to retrieve data from the NOMIS database for assessing an offender's eligibility of deletion under data compliance law.

A suite of services can be started with docker-compose that will also attach Prison API to a couple of queues used to communicate deletions and deletion referrals.

To do this, simply run:

TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose -f docker-compose-data-compliance.yml up

To publish to the data compliance request queue:

(Warning, if configured, this will prompt Prison-api to delete the Offender provided)

The referralId should match an existing referral in the OFFENDER_DELETION_REFERRAL table in the Data Compliance database.

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4576 sqs send-message \
    --queue-url http://localstack:4576/queue/data_compliance_request_queue \
    --message-body '{"offenderIdDisplay":"A1234AA","referralId":123}' \
    --message-attributes "eventType={StringValue=DATA_COMPLIANCE_OFFENDER-DELETION-GRANTED,DataType=String}"

To read off the data compliance response queue:

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4576 sqs receive-message \
    --queue-url http://localhost:4576/queue/data_compliance_response_queue

Authorize with Swagger UI

  • Without correct authorisation calling endpoints will return http 401 - Unauthorized
  • Obtain a correct JWT Token from 'Auth' service
  • Go to http://<host:port>/swagger-ui/
  • Click on top right button 'Authorize'
  • In the 'Authorize' dialog enter
    • Bearer <Your Token>
    • Like so Bearer eyJhbGciOiJ...OsgGjHBuA
  • Then click 'Authorize' and close dialog
  • The endpoint calls should pass security and allowed through now.
  • When the token expires logout of the 'Authorize' and enter a fresh token.