
A reinforcement learning environment using Gazebo, ROS and openAI gym

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Gazebo Reinforcement Learning Environment

This repo contains a few reinforcement learning environements and example scripts greatly inspired by openai_ros. The environments are build with ROS ecosystem, Gazebo-7.0 simulation software and OpenAI-gym toolkit.


  • Install ROS-Kinetic, recommand Desktop-Full install.
  • (Optional but recommend) Install catkin-command-line-tools
  • (Optional, skip this step if you've installed ROS in Desktop-Full mode) Install Gazebo-7.0
  • Install OpenAI-gym

    pip install gym

  • (Optional) Install openai_ros
  • Setup turtlebot Gazebo simulation environment
    • Assume you have set up an ros workspace at /home/yourname/ros_ws, and ready to config the environment in it. $ sudo apt install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-gazebo
    • To make sure turtlebot_gazebo is launchable, try $ roslaunch turtlbot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch
  • To get ready for reinforcement learning, $ cd ~/ros_ws/src, then clone this repo $ git clone https://github.com/deePurrobotics/gazebo_rl.git
  • $ cd ~/ros_ws, then $ catkin build

Reinforcement Learning Environments

All codes are located in *this_repo*/scripts/ Copy the model files of cable-driven joint into local gazebo models library $ cp -a *this_repo*/gazebo_models/* ~/.gazebo/models/


  1. Launch learning environment, $ roslaunch gazebo_rl turtlebot_crib.launch
  2. Open a new terminal, you can $ rosrun gazebo_rl crib_nav_qtable to start a q-learning"

    make sure to $ chmod +x *this_repo*/scripts/turtlebot/crib_nav_qtable.py


  1. Launch simulation, $ roslaunch gazebo_rl turtlebot_playground.launch
  2. To test this env, $ rosrun gazebo_rl pground_env_test


  1. CMake force plugin for the cable-driven joint
    $ cd *this_repo*/worlds/cable_world/
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make
  2. Add export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=${GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH}:*this_repo*/worlds/cable_world/build to ~/.bashrc
  3. Launch cable joint simulation, $ roslaunch gazebo_rl cable_joint.launch
  4. Open a new terminal to test this env, $ rosrun gazebo_rl cable_env_test

    make sure to $ chmod +x *this_repo*/scripts/cable_joint/cable_env_test.py