
This repository contains code and instructions to build understanding of ROS2 fundamentals.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code and instructions to build understanding of ROS2 fundamentals.

Install ROS2

Create WorkSpace

mkdir ros2_simWS

cd ros2_simWS

mkdir src

colcon build

Configure Sources

cd ~

nano .bashrc

Add following lines

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash

source /home/mda5si/ros2_simWS/install/setup.bash

Add Packages to workspace

 git clone

Topics: Understanding how to deal with Topics

Activity1: Controlling turtle in TurtleSim

In this activity we will use turtlesim simulator and another node that will control

  • Launch the turtlesim node

      ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node
  • Lunch the node to control turtle in turtle-sim

      ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key

Keep the terminal in forground where the turtle_teleop_key node is running. You will be able to move the turtle.

Activity2: Controlling turtle in TurtleSim using static command line publisher

The turtlesim_node can also be controlled by nodes written in python. In order to write it. We need to know the understand which topic is responsible for messages related to movement of turtle and the format in which it takes the data.

  • List available nodes

      ros2 node list
  • List available topics

      ros2 topic list
  • Investigate a particular topic

      ros2 topic info <Topic name>
      ros2 topic info /turtle1/cmd_vel


The topic which is associated with the movement of turtle in turtle sim is cmd_vel. As can be seen in the picture above the Type of this topics is Twist. In order to understand the data composition of Twist type. We investigate further.

  • Investigate the composition of Twist.

    By experience we know that twist is part of geometry_msg.

      ros2 interface show  geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
      ros2 interface proto  geometry_msgs/msg/Twist


    Now that we know about the topic responsible for controling the turtle and the format in which we need to supply data. Lets publish data on the node using command line.

  • Publish data using Command line

      ros2 topic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear:{x: 4.0, y: 0.0,z: 0.0}, angular:{x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.0}}"

Activity3: Controlling turtle in TurtleSim using python node

  • Create Package

    ros2 pkg create turtlecontrol --build-type ament-python --dependencies rclpy

  • Create file for node source code and write code.

      touch twistControl.py
  • Make code executable if you want to run node directly from the python file

      chmod +x twistControl.py
  • Run node You can run the node directly from the python file or you can create a executable. To run the node directly do

  • Create an Executable. If you want to have a executable that you can run from anywhere using ros2 run < executable name>

    In the setup.pkg file. Add following

      "turtle_twist = turtlecontrol.twistControl:main"

    turtle_twist will be the name of the executable.

  • Build the executable

      colcon build --packages-select turtlecontrol


      colcon build --packages-select turtlecontrol --symlink-install

    This command saves us the hassle of building again when we make change to our python code for the node. But for this to work it is necessary to have twistControl.py should be make executable using chmod +x twistControl.py

    The executable will be called "turtle_twist". The location of installation is mentioned in setup.cfg.

  • Run the executable

      ros2 run turtlecontrol turtle_twist.

Activity3: Controlling turtle in TurtleSim using C++ node

  • Create Package

     ros2 pkg create turtlecontrolcpp --build-type ament_cmake --dependencies rclcpp
  • Create file for node source code and add code

      touch twistControl.cpp
  • Execute the node

      ro2 run turtlecontrolcpp twistCPP

Activity 4 : Checking the Frequency

	ros2 topic hz <topic name>
	ros2 topic hz /turtle1_cmd_vel

Activity 5 : Checking the Bandwidth

	ros2 topic bw <topic name>
	ros2 topic bw /turtle1/cmd_vel

Activity 6: Run a new instance of a node

ros2 run <package name><executablename> --rps-args --remap __node:=<newexecutablename>

Services: Understanding Services

A service is a request/response pattern where a client makes a request to a node providing the service and the service processes the request and generates a response. You generally don’t want to use a service for continuous calls; topics or even actions would be better suited.

Activity 1: List Services

ros2 list service list

ros2 list service list -t   (Also tells the type)


Activity2: Get the type

If you donot use the -t argument you can get the type of the service using

ros2 service type <name of service>
ros2 service type /spawn

Activity3: Get the composition of a particular type

ros2 interface show turtlesim/srv/Spawn

ros2 interfac proto turtlesim/srv/Spawn


Activity4: Call the service

ros2 service call <service_name> <service_type> <arguments>
ros2 service call /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "{x: 4, y: 5, theta: 0.5, name: ''}"


The same node without any change in the code can be run with a different name or in other words a new instance of same node can be started This may be required to change the topic names on which they are publishing or subscribing. Also keep in mind always change the name of node when creating a new node otherwise if there are two nodes with same name it can cause unintended behaviour.

We just spawn a new turtle in previous section. This new turtle can be controlled by sending command on /turtle2/cmd_vel. But our turtle_teleop_key node by default publishes on /turtle1/cmd_vel. So we have to start a new instance of /teleop_turtle node whose name will be /telop_turtle_new and will publish on /turtle2/cmd_vel

ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key --ros-args --remap /turtle1/cmd_vel:=/turtle2/cmd_vel --remap __node:=teleop_turtle_new


In order for two nodes to commmunicate with each other they should agree on

  • Topic Name(ex:/number_count , /turtle1/cmd_vel)
  • Msg Defination (example_interfaces/msg/Int64 , geometry_msgs/msg/Twist)

Similarly for Services

  • Name of Service (ex: /reset_number_counter , /spawn , /turtle1/set_pen)
  • Msg Definition: There are usually 2 parts to it one is structure of request and otherone below the dotted line is response
/rest /spawn /set_pen
bool data float32 x uint8 r
float32 x uint8 g
float32 theta uint8 b
uint8 width
uint8 off
------------- ------------- -----------
bool success string name

Activity: A custom Interface creation

  • Create a package. By default creates a C package

    ros2 pkg create rex_interfaces

Remove the unwanted folders

rm -rf includes 
rm -rf src
mkdir msg

Edit packages.xml

<build_depend> rosidl_default_generators</build_depend>

Edit cmakeLiss.txt

	rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)


  • Download packages

      sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-turtle-tf2-py ros-foxy-tf2-tools ros-foxy-tf-transformations
  • Another package for euler angles

      pip3 install transforms3d
  • Launch

      ros2 launch turtle_tf2_py turtle_tf2_demo.launch.py

    Control Robot in Gazebo

    • Packages

      sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-teleop-twist-keyboard
    • Run the package

      ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard