
A simple Google App Engine blog

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Source: http://github.com/bgolub/blog/tree/master

How to Deploy:

1) Get a Google App Engine account at http://appengine.google.com
2) Create a new application.  Note your application identifier.
3) Edit the included app.yaml.sample:
    i) Change the text APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER to the application identifier
    created in step 2.
    ii) Rename it to app.yaml
4) Edit the included settings.py.sample:
    i) Variables are self explanatory.
    ii) Rename it to settings.py
5) Edit base.html to make it your own (optional).
6) Deploy!
    i) Via command line:
        Move to the directory containing app.yaml and do "appcfg.py update ."
    ii) Via GoogleAppEngineLauncher (for Mac):
        Drag the directory onto the window, click on the app, hit deploy!
7) Start blogging by visiting http://your_blog_url/new
    i) That will prompt you for your Google Account.  Login with the same one
    you use to login to http://appengine.google.com.  Only that account can
    add/edit/delete posts.
8) Let me know that you're using it :)  bgolub@benjamingolub.com