Question Box
This Rails application provides much of the same functionality as Stack Overflow.
- User
- requires a name
- requires an email, which must be unique
- requires a password
- has many comments
- has many votes
- Question
- requires a title
- requires text
- belongs to and requires a user
- has many comments (polymorphic association)
- has many votes (polymorphic association)
- knows its total score (determined by votes)
- has and belongs to many tags (tags being short phrases that show the topics of the question)
- Answer
- belongs to and requires a question
- belongs to and requires a user
- requires text
- can be chosen as the correct answer
- but only one answer per question can be chosen
- the author of the answer gets +100 points
- has many comments (polymorphic association)
- has many votes (polymorphic association)
- knows its total score (determined by votes)
- Comment
- belongs to and requires a user
- belongs to and requires a "commentable" (polymorphic association)
- requires text
- Vote
- belongs to a user
- belongs to a "voteable" (polymorphic association)
- is positive or negative (+1 or -1)
- when a positive vote is given to something a user created (question or answer), +10 points to that user
- when a negative vote is given to something a user created (question or answer), -5 points to that user
- when a user makes a negative vote, -1 points to that user (yes, it costs from your score to vote something down)
- Tag
- has a name
- has and belongs to many questions