
JavaScript library for Tin Can API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A JavaScript library for implementing Tin Can API.

Build Status

For hosted API documentation, basic usage instructions, supported version listing, etc. visit the main project website at:


For more information about the Tin Can API visit:


Browser Usage

TinCanJS is available via Bower.

The browser environment is well tested and supports two kinds of Cross Origin requests which is sufficient to cover most versions of Chrome, FireFox, Safari as well as IE 8+. IE 6+ are supported for non-CORS (because they don't support it).

Include one of build/tincan-min.js or build/tincan.js as follows:

<script src="build/tincan-min.js"></script>

Node.js Usage

TinCanJS is available via npm.

The Environment/Node.js wrapper used in this version has a dependency on the 'xhr2' module which is also available via npm. It is used to allow the interfaces to the underlying LRS requests to have the same API. As such currently there is no support for synchronous requests when using this environment.

Install via:

npm install tincanjs

And within code:

var TinCan = require('tincanjs');


Implementing a new Environment should be straightforward and requires overloading a couple of methods on the TinCan.LRS prototype. There are currently two examples, Environment/Browser and Environment/Node.