
Leaflet Plugin to measure distances of simple lines as well as of complex polylines

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


  • Leaflet Plugin to 📐 measure distances of simple lines as well as of complex polylines.
  • Measuring in metric system (meters, kilometers) or in imperial system (yards, miles)
  • To finish drawing a line just doubleclick, or singleclick onto the last (=orange) point, or press "ESC"-key.
  • Moving of line's points afterwards is possible by click and drag them.
  • It is an evolution of jtreml's Plugin leaflet.measure since the original plugin hasn't been bugfixed for years. I modified it to work again with Leaflet v1.0 and newer (still runs with Leaflet v0.7) and added some optical improvements.




Add 2 lines within your HTML-code to load the .css and .js files of the plugin:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ppete2.github.io/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure.css" />
<script src="https://ppete2.github.io/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure.js"></script>

Add 1 line within your Javascript-code to add the plugin's control into your Leaflet map.


Default options

options = {
    position: 'topleft',                    // Position to show the control. Possible values are: 'topright', 'topleft', 'bottomright', 'bottomleft'
    imperial: false,                        // Show imperial or metric distances
    measureControlTitle: '',                // Title for the control
    measureControlLabel: '&#8614;',         // HTML to place inside the control
    measureControlClasses: [],              // Classes to apply to the control
    backgroundColor: '#8f8',                // Background color for control when selected
    cursor: 'crosshair',                    // Cursor type to show when creating measurements
    clearMeasurementsOnStop: true,          // Clear all the measurements when the control is unselected
    showMeasurementsClearControl: false,    // Show a control to clear all the measurements
    clearControlTitle: 'Clear',             // Title text to show on the clear measurements control button
    clearControlLabel: '&times',            // Clear control inner html
    clearControlClasses: [],                // Collection of classes to add to clear control button
    tempLine: {                             // Styling settings for the temporary dashed line
        color: '#00f',                      // Dashed line color
        weight: 2                           // Dashed line weight
    fixedLine: {                            // Styling for the solid line
        color: '#006',                      // Solid line color
        weight: 2                           // Solid line weight
    startCircle: {                          // Style settings for circle marker indicating the starting point of the polyline
        color: '#000',                      // Color of the border of the circle
        weight: 1,                          // Weight of the circle
        fillColor: '#0f0',                  // Fill color of the circle
        fillOpacity: 1,                     // Fill opacity of the circle
        radius: 3                           // Radius of the circle
    intermedCircle: {                       // Style settings for all circle markers between startCircle and endCircle
        color: '#000',                      // Color of the border of the circle
        weight: 1,                          // Weight of the circle
        fillColor: '#ff0',                  // Fill color of the circle
        fillOpacity: 1,                     // Fill opacity of the circle
        radius: 3                           // Radius of the circle
    currentCircle: {                        // Style settings for circle marker indicating the latest point of the polyline during drawing a line
        color: '#000',                      // Color of the border of the circle
        weight: 1,                          // Weight of the circle
        fillColor: '#f0f',                  // Fill color of the circle
        fillOpacity: 1,                     // Fill opacity of the circle
        radius: 3                           // Radius of the circle
    endCircle: {                             // Style settings for circle marker indicating the last point of the polyline
        color: '#000',                      // Color of the border of the circle
        weight: 1,                          // Weight of the circle
        fillColor: '#f00',                  // Fill color of the circle
        fillOpacity: 1,                     // Fill opacity of the circle
        radius: 3                           // Radius of the circle


  • enable - enable measuring;
  • disable - disable measuring;
  • toggle - for both;
  • start - start line measure;
  • path - create intermediate point {length, distance};
  • move - on mouse move when measure {length, distance};
  • stop - stop line measure {distance};