- fix desktops "0"
- fix monitor per host config hyprland
- fix - enable ntp
- fix firefox config
- fix swaync summary
- refactor hyprland setup into a single "desktop" package
- fix waybar power icon action
- fix weather
- auto format nix files
- fix LUKS prompt appearing before keyboard is recognised
- fix warnings after upgrade
install from iso - select no desktop edit configuration.nix
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
enable ssh for ease
write key to authorized keys file
clone the repo
run just age-key-from-host-key
put that in .sops.yaml on an active machine
run just rekey-secrets
on the active machine commit, push and pull on new machine
comment out firefox bookmarks secrets (bug)
run rebuild switch
bring back bookmarks and switch again
sign into 1password
enable 1password ssh agent
congratulations, you are now holding a duck
Based off EmergentMind's config https://github.com/EmergentMind/nix-config. There is a really nice youtube video that goes along with this, highly recommend it.