Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
Submission for the CS50 Webcourse Project 1 Assignment.
D Book is a book review portal where you could search for your fav. books and review and rate them. The site also fetches average rating from the site goodreads.com for comparison.
API: The details of a book could also be request via an API call as shown below:
<"web url">/api/ where "web url" is the url where this would be hosted is an ISBN number.
A sample call and returned value.
{"author":"Doris Lessing","average_score":0,"isbn":"006093140X","review_count":0.0,"title":"The Golden Notebook","year":"1962"}
In case no record found with the isbn it returns a 404 code along with the below json.Example:
{"error":"ISBN Not Found in our database"}
Below listed are the file names and a short description explaining their purpose.
- static/D_Book.png : Logo for the site header.
- static/no_image.jpg : Display pic for each book on the detail page.
- static/styles.css : Style sheet of the site.
- templates/layout.html : Site Layout template.
- templates/index.html : main page with search and listing of books.
- templates/auth.html : login and sign up page.
- templates/details.html :details of the selected book and list of its reviews.
- /application.py: main python program populating the site with data.
- /import.py : import the books provided in books.csv to the site database.
The database used is Postgres and the shema name should be d_book
There are 4 tables(column names with indentation)
* isbn(PK)
* user_id(PK)
* rating
* text
* time_stamp
* user_id(PK)
* password
* time_stamp
* log_id(PK)
* time_stamp
* log_text