
A collection of servers searchable by tags, with downtime monitoring (web app)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A web application containing a collection of servers around the world. These servers may have tags, and will be filterable and searchable by tags. Want to find a server for your game? Search the tag. This web application will also track downtime of these servers and handle reports. Anyone may add a server.

Technologies used

  • Flask
  • Celery
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • React
  • Docker


  • Ubuntu 16.0.4/Debian 9 (no Windows support)
  • Python 3.6.*


Please note that in the future, this will be automated using either a simple shell script, or docker. There will be two versions; one for development, and one for production.

To install all dependencies (assure you have Python 3.6.*, this project does not support Python 3.7.* since Celery 4 does not, please wait for Celery 5);

# create a virtual environment & activate it
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3.6 ./venv
source venv/bin/activate

# install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install redis
sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo apt-get install redis-cli

NOTE Database information is in settings.py. You will require a local postgressql server. To setup the database (variables in curly brackets should be substitued with values from settings.py)

# install postgres
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

# create the database and user
sudo su - postgres
create database {db name};
create user {db user} with password '{db user password}';
grant all privileges on database nitrox to nitrox;

# migrate and update the database schema
python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade

Pull submodules

# update submodules: materialize, flag-icon-css etc.
git submodule update --init --recursive

Running the web application

To run the app,

# start the redis-server

# start the flask REST API
export FLASK_APP=run_flask.py
flask run
# or flask run -h -p 8000 for host, port args

# start the celery process and beat workers
celery worker --beat -A run_celery.celery --loglevel=debug # you decide log level

# start React for frontend
cd src/http/web/app
npm run start

Recommended setup for when we grow

  • One server to serve the REST API; potentially in the future many Redis nodes. A load balancer could be used here too as well as rate limiting
  • One server to serve the frontend (React)
  • One server to serve the database