
This is simple timer and counter Arduino library.

Primary LanguageC++


This is simple timer and counter Arduino library.
Offers three work modes:

  • Count-up timer with call specified method when count is complete.
  • Count-down timer with call specified method when count is complete.
  • Calling any method at a specified time interval.

It allows you to start/pause, stop or restart timer.
The following are public methods for actions:

  • void start()
  • void stop()
  • void pause()
  • void restart()

Other methods:

  • byte getCurrentHours()
  • byte getCurrentMinutes()
  • byte getCurrentSeconds()
  • void setInterval()
  • String getCurrentTime()
  • bool isCounterCompleted()
  • bool isCounterRunning()
  • bool isStopped()

And here's some sample code!

#include "Countimer.h"

Countimer timer;

void setup() {

    // Set up count down timer with 10s and call method onComplete() when timer is complete.
    // 00h:00m:10s
	timer.setCounter(0, 0, 10, timer.COUNT_DOWN, onComplete);

    // Print current time every 1s on serial port by calling method refreshClock().
    timer.setInterval(refreshClock, 1000);

void refreshClock() {
	Serial.print("Current count time is: ");

void onComplete() {

void loop() {
	// Run timer

    // Now timer is running and listening for actions.
    // If you want to start the timer, you have to call start() method.
    if(!timer.isCounterCompleted()) {