
A famous d3-tip lib adapted to the latest - d3.v6 version.

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A famous d3-tip lib adapted to the latest - d3.v6 version.


d3.v6 introduced several changes and some of them concerns d3-tip.

Those are:

  • Global d3.event has been removed
  • Every event handler, from now on, will receive event as a first argument

d3-tip version which lies under this repository, is adapted to this change.

It also fixes one annoying bug, when several DOM tip instances were being created , which eventually would lead unexpected and undesirable results.

See original documentation, but please note changes in tip.html API.
Short story is that, you will get same arguments in tip.html() as tip.show() receives, in the same order.


If you are using npm

npm i d3-v6-tip

And then use it like this in your application

import { tip as d3tip } from "d3-v6-tip";

const tip = d3tip()

Otherwise, you can load as a standalone library or as part of D3. ES modules, AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. In vanilla, a d3 global is exported:

If you want to load it as part of d3

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/d3-v6-tip@1.0.6/build/d3-v6-tip.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/bumbeishvili/d3-tip-for-v6@4/d3-tip.min.css">


const tip = d3.tip()


If you want to load it as standalone

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-selection.v2.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/d3-v6-tip@1.0.6/build/d3-v6-tip.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/bumbeishvili/d3-tip-for-v6@4/d3-tip.min.css">

var svg = d3.select('svg');

/* Initialize tooltip */
var tip = d3.tip().attr('class', 'd3-tip').html((EVENT,d)=> d );

/* Invoke the tip in the context of your visualization */

// -------------- Simplest usage ----------------
    .on('mouseover', tip.show)
    .on('mouseout', tip.hide)
// ------------- Conditional usage -------------
    .on('mouseover', (event,d)=>{
          if(someCondition) tip.show(event,d);
    .on('mouseout', tip.hide)
// ------------- Showing tip on particular element, but based on other DOM element's data -------------
    .on('mouseover', function(event,d) {
          const element = d3.select(this)
          tip.show(event, d, element.node())
    .on('mouseout', tip.hide)

See minimal jsfiddle example here


Repo Author

David B (twitter)
David B (linkedin)

I am available for freelance data visualization work. Please contact me in case you'd like me to help you with my experience and expertise